The Left’s Response To Trump’s Tax Reform is Entertaining – IOTW Report

The Left’s Response To Trump’s Tax Reform is Entertaining

GOP tax reform has led Vox to propose abolishing the income tax in blue states so rich people can keep those now-nondeductable over-the-cap taxes. Trump really does make them go bonkers.

Heh. Their secret trick to lower taxes? Lower their taxes. It’s just crazy enough to work.

11 Comments on The Left’s Response To Trump’s Tax Reform is Entertaining

  1. They’re basically admitting that states with no income tax were being scammed by states with income taxes all along. Smug morons from CA and NY love to claim that blue states finance red states at the federal level. We all know that is bullshit because states like CA and NY get just as much as the feds per capita as anyone else on top of their state taxes. They’re just ripping off their own citizens and then trying to blame red states for it.

  2. Time for an accounting of the high tax states. Why can the red states provide all the same services with much lower taxes? Maybe President Trump can call for an investigation.

  3. If the Trump tax cuts cause Governor Cuomo to slash state taxes to spite Trump, I will love My Donald even more. I don’t know how it is possible to love President Trump more than I already do, but I will find a way. Best President Ever and most fun time to be a right minded person EVER. MAGA! And maybe as a side effect make New York Great Again too! My state was not always a leftist dominated fuckwater, ya know. The turn actually happened fairly recently.

  4. lmao … there’s no ‘effin’ way these states (I refuse to call them blue; they’re commie red, thru & thru) are going to voluntarily relieve anyone’s tax burden, particularly the middle class … they’d rather give up their children

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