“The Lion” Story Has Social Media Buzzing – IOTW Report

“The Lion” Story Has Social Media Buzzing


President Trump recently shared a video on Truth Social that’s got everyone buzzing. It’s not a new video, but this clip comes with a message that’s both chilling and forceful, leading many to speculate that he’s signaling to his enemies that he’s fully aware of their schemes. Given the multiple sham indictments he’s facing, along with attempts to destroy his wealth and freedom, it’s clear he’s under no illusions about what he’s going to face. Yet, there’s a sense of confidence—a hint that he’s holding something back. What kind of strategy or “ace” does President Trump have up his sleeve? More

6 Comments on “The Lion” Story Has Social Media Buzzing

  1. First things first, roaring is meaningless unless you are king of the jungle and the only way that happens is winning this November. Nothing lese matters to me or should to anyone that still possess even a modicum amount of affection for our nation.

    This importance can not be under stated. Whether he goes medieval on these rats, this all puts the cart before the horse.

    If the American people can not see this for themselves, then God have mercy on all of us.

  2. If indeed, all this conjecture has some foundation in TRUTH, the best use for this kind of information is to use it in the manner that The Swamp uses it on and against anyone with the temerity to challenge the arrogant creatures within. Set fire to the place and shoot the rats as they come out!

  3. “The intelligence was so sensitive that lawmakers and congressional aides with top secret security clearances were able to review the material only at CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, where their work scrutinizing it was itself kept in a locked safe.”

    Or you kan seez it in muh grudge! I haz it ober next to the can my stinky didis are in, by the pile of Jill’s wine bottles! This chonee guy wanted to seez it one time thog,, mebbe he gotz it. Anyhow, did you know my sin Beau died in the Battle of Hastings in 1966? He was fighting for or against the Sexons. I can’t remember which, and he signle footedly defeated MAGA and Trump so they did Global Warring! True story, Jack!


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