The MAID Is Coming to Clean Out Canada’s Patient Waiting List – IOTW Report

The MAID Is Coming to Clean Out Canada’s Patient Waiting List

PJ Media

When Canada legalized euthanasia in 2016, a patient had to be terminally ill to access the Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) program. But next year, the state plans to extend MAID to those suffering from mental illness — including those afflicted with PTSD.

Exactly what those who predicted a slippery slope to an ethical breakdown warned us about has now come to pass. Euthanasia proponents scoffed at the idea that the mentally ill would be given the opportunity to end their lives, but it’s come about much faster than anyone would have predicted. More

20 Comments on The MAID Is Coming to Clean Out Canada’s Patient Waiting List

  1. Normal people: “The thought of an assisted death framework structure alone should give you goosebumps!

    Klaus Schwab: “The thought of an assisted death framework structure gives me goosesteps!

  2. I’m not worrying about it at this point. It’s just gonna be about 90% libs killing themselves, so, never interrupt the enemy while they’re making a mistake.

  3. Arbeit macht frei. First, euthansia was for terminally ill people who were in pain – kind of a fast-track hospice. Then it gets expanded to people who may not be terminally ill, but don’t want to deal with their maladies for the rest of their lives. Next it will be expanded to the mentally ill, and later to those whom society considers inconvenient like folks with drug problems and the homeless.

    Then probably the jews, just because. And maybe gypsies.

    This particularly slippery slope is entirely predictable; kind of like “abortion should be legal, rare and safe and not a form of birth control.”

    When my diabolical plan to take over Canada is complete, there are a lot of liberal Canadian politicians who should be worried because I will declare them dangerous or, at the very least, inconvenient. But not to worry – their final camp will be festooned with “albeit macht frei” which should make them feel, at least temporarily, like they are productive.

  4. I live in Canada, and I am shocked by the number of people who approve of government run suicide. (I refuse to use the term MAID, which sounds so nice, and kind, and helpful.)
    It’s evil. As evil as I believe abortion to be.

    I had a discussion recently with someone about this. I used the story I read recently about someone who had attempted suicide by jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge, but was one of the few who have survived that fall. (it may have been here). He said as soon as he stepped off he thought, with regret, “What have I done?”. What about that patient who requests that needle? What about the family members who accede to this? It’s too late for them to change their minds. It’s too late to stop the process.

    We truly need to pray for both of our countries as they devolve into Godlessness, while the devil is deceiving them into believing they are doing good.

  5. All they have to do now is execute the same psycho-social scheme at work for the so-called “transgender movement.” And a main part of any of their plans is to simultaneously normalize euthanasia with the language (starting with “assisted dying” versus MURDER) and accusing those who are against it of being evil and having no compassion.

    They are an evil, lying bunch. They’ve told us that the ultimate compassion is to fund free drugs/needles/”shooting galleries” to addicts and to let mentally ill people who prefer to live on the street to live on the street.

    SNS has it exactly right. The evil one’s ultimate goal is to separate all of us forever from the love of God.

  6. ….and those who should be automatically exempt from this evil scheme are those who cannot speak for themselves or are easily deceived by any of these (doctors, family, gov’t) who can convince an incapacitated person who cannot make their own decisions.


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