The Media Echo Chamber Rings Hollow On This One – IOTW Report

The Media Echo Chamber Rings Hollow On This One


The headline for the Washington Post piece screamed “Trump’s refusal to accept intelligence briefing on Russia stuns experts” and it was soon picked and run with by the likes of The Chicago Tribune and Yahoo.

It creates the impression that somehow the candidate is colluding with Russia or is so arrogant as to think that he doesn’t need intelligence briefings and thus might imperil the nation with his recklessness if he where to become president.

Read the story however, and it doesn’t take a genius to see it was intended to be a no win for the Republican candidate no matter how he responded.  The fact that this echo died pretty quickly with few media outlets picking it up shows Mr. Trump successfully sidestepped the intended trap.


8 Comments on The Media Echo Chamber Rings Hollow On This One

  1. “Here’s a good one. CNN is telling it’s viewers that to possess or read government hacked e mails is illegal. So don’t read them. They’ll tell you what they say.”

    That’s some rich fertilizer there. Yup. Thanks BB

  2. In reality it was OBAMA that doesn’t take his daily security briefings. Sadly having the last 8 years seared into my memory I recalled these stories a few years ago about his attendance or lack there of.
    So yet again, what the Dem POTUS actually practices is only seen horribly when it is attributed to Republican candidate DJT. So convenient.

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