The Mentally Retarded – (Must See) – IOTW Report

The Mentally Retarded – (Must See)

Ht/ Woody

23 Comments on The Mentally Retarded – (Must See)

  1. “John Grisham comes out as an evil cock-sucking prickā€¦”

    I’ve been following this. I’m going to write a book about the assassination of unhinged Libtard loser writers. In my spare time. Guess who’s going to be the main victim.

  2. Brad, it makes NO fucking sense that any writer bashes conservatives.
    Their heroes and protagonists they write about are almost always heroic types with conservative values & high moral character. Never unsure of themselves or right & wrong.
    If they wrote about some limp-wristed faggot LGBTQ leftist cock-sucker they would sell ZERO books.
    FAR, FAR more conservatives read novels than illiterate leftist morons.
    What a dumb fuck John Grisham is.

  3. @Loco — Total agreement!

    FAR, FAR more conservatives read novels than illiterate leftist morons.

    In fact, FAR, FAR more conservatives ARE ABLE TO read novels than illiterate leftist morons.

  4. ^^^^^
    Fucking Hollywood should get it. They don’t. Apparently they are of the opinion the 79% of the country is transitioning. They’re fucking stupid. They live in their own little sound chamber and have forgotten to look at their bank account. Personally I won’t spend a dime on these assholes. And I’m far from alone.

  5. We shouldn’t confuse “retarded” with “evil.”
    If these maggots were truly retarded, I doubt that we’d be in the mess we’re in.

    It’s all fun and games until the shooting starts.

    I think the retards are those who vote for them, not those in office.
    Vacuous, amoral, easily swayed, drunk, stupid, retarded, high – whatever.

    We’re experiencing a global phenomenon, not an isolated case of one evil, mentally defective maggot thrust into a position far beyond his capabilities.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. I quit reading Grisham’s books many, many years ago. Another favorite author, Daniel Silva, has joined Grisham in my boycott authors program. I had enjoyed reading all of their works but when they put their political ignorance front and center to a degree that I could not ignore, they went in the bin.

    John Sandford is skating around the boycott rim. His most recent book that I read, Judgment Prey, had him insulting my beliefs but he managed to pull off being unbiased to a degree that I could stomach. When I get my hands on his latest, Toxic Prey, we’ll see if he ends up in the dustbin.

    I enjoyed reading the Stone Barrington series by Stuart Woods because it was very light reading that required no deep thought and was entertaining enough to help pass time for me. No more. He’s a leftist moron.

    I’m still a real fan of the Reacher series but I will not be watching any more of anything that has Alan Ritchson in it. He couldn’t have made it more clear how much he despises me so fuck him.

    I truly wish that my microscopic boycotts could have any real effect. I know that they won’t but I am doing something. I’ve also changed from a bank to a credit union and ditched the two credit cards we had for ones issued by entities that were not debanking people and organizations.

  7. I don’t think Hollywood *thinks* 79% of people are transitioning, but they *want* 79% to transition.
    They need a few to not, so they have someone to demand that they use proper pronouns and to generally blame for everything. Well and to produce the things they need to live on. ‘Gender Studies’ doesn’t provide food or shelter.

  8. We used the term, “tahd”, or ” tard” for you non Northeasterners.
    There were lots of articles a few yrs ago pointing out that liberalism is a mental disorder.
    It’s easier to use use them by evil people.


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