The Miracle Jerker – IOTW Report

The Miracle Jerker

Stilton’s Place: There are times in our lives, times we’re not particularly proud of, when we fantasize about being able to wallop someone with a Costco-sized banana cream pie with extra whipped cream. And one of those times was Monday, when Barack “the future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam” Obama spoke at a political rally in Las Vegas.

(A brief but important aside: the last time we recall Obama attending a political rally in Las Vegas was while the ruins of our embassy in Benghazi were literally still smoking. And there, he likened the “sacrifices” of political volunteers to those who sacrificed their lives in Libya. The rat bastard.)


But here in the present day, it wasn’t our embassy on fire, but rather Barack Obama’s pants for approximately the millionth time. And the whopper that particularly caught our attention was this one: “When you hear this talk about economic miracles, remember who started it!

Well we do remember, and it sure as Shinola wasn’t Barry. He further explained, “By the time I left office, wages were rising, the uninsurance rate was falling, poverty was falling, and that’s what I handed off to the next guy.”

But let’s slip into our hip waders and parse this nonsense.

16 Comments on The Miracle Jerker

  1. I think there was a post here a couple of months ago, Trump’s financial people put together a great presentation completely refuting 0bama’s claims. They showed that sentiment in many areas changed dramatically for the positive on the day after the election in November 2016. Absolutely no question that the changes are for two reasons: a GOP president (even Romney would have had some effect) and the particular regulatory changes since Trump took office.

  2. B-Rock went on and on about how the jobs weren’t coming back. He said it so much his gums turned purple.

    However, I will say this.

    It took Reagan and Bush1 12 years to make Johnny Rocket look good. Not giving Zero a pass. In fact, I think he helped Trump. Unfortunately, it wasn’t his proactive view on the economy.

    It was his negative view on the country.

  3. This laughingstock is trying desperately to recapture the momentum and public sentiment that he watched Trump lay waste to. He’s been exposed for the charlatan he always was but his gargantuan ego won’t allow him to quietly slink away.
    The world is laughing.

  4. Remember when he said, “How’s he going to do create jobs? What’s he going to do, wave a magic wand?” So he admittedly didn’t know how Trump was going to create jobs. And now he’s claiming that HE’s the one who got it all started. What Trump did was undo all of this jerk’s policies. The left is steeped in a sea of lies.

  5. There has to be a Helen Keller joke in here, so here goes. What did Helen Keller say when she met Barack Obama? NOTHING, SHE HAD NO WORDS! And she couldn’t hear him or see him so what does it matter anyway. And barry probably said I, I, me, me, me, me so many times that she intuitively sensed that he was a phony and wanted to kick his ass if only she could see it.


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