The Most Absurd of the Year – IOTW Report

The Most Absurd of the Year

The Federalist

Let’s face it, there was more than enough stupid to go around this year. 

If 2024 taught us anything, it’s that there is no bottom in matters of the politically absurd. Remember, somebody thought it was a good idea for Joe Biden to debate Donald Trump. Fani Willis thought her deadbeat paramour Nathan Wade was worth every dime. And Kristi Noem believed her Old Yeller moment would be endearing. But then again someone in the Trump transition team thought the dog-killing South Dakota governor and close personal friend of Corey Lewandowski would make a fine Homeland Security secretary, so clearly there’s no accounting for taste. More

7 Comments on The Most Absurd of the Year

  1. What is disheartening is, as one demented liar leaves the political arena, another political, useful idiot pops up to take their place. It’s a win-lose scenario.

    RINOS and speaker Johnson have ignored the voters and the issues most important for most Americans.

    Will this be a rerun of 2016-2020?
    I am not confident a new speaker will usher in true change the first 100 days of the Trump Term.
    Pray that I am wrong !

  2. “Republicans Act Like Losers”
    No, Cautiously Optimistic here.
    The stupidity of this administration continues and 26 days to go.
    When the first one actually goes to prison, I will believe.

  3. RE: Kristi Noem’s dog. Many comments throughout comment land suggested she should have “rehomed” her dog. If she “rehomed” her dog and it attacked your child, would rehoming still be your moral position? If it bit your guest, the lawyers would be salivating at the oppurtunity. I kinda hate to say it, but KN did the only thing she could, short of dropping the dog off in the wilderness, 50 miles from anywhere. She has what it takes, to do what has to be done.

  4. …if anyone goes to “prison”, it will be a low-security tennis prison with catered meals and open bar. Even Nixon, who the Communist so successfully (and unjustifiably, in light of the crap THEY’VE pulled) reviled got no worse than than relaxing at San Clemente, and HE was a hated (by them) REPUBLICAN.

    If they feel its expedient to hang a goat, they may allow a pretend trial or two with a meaninless conviction they will carefully couch as “No Contest” instead of “Guilty” so the criminal can preserve electability and claim they pled thus “For the good of the nation”, and be spirited away to an undisclosed spa, never to actually see a day behind bars and certainly not the loop of a noose no matter how much they deserve it.

    No, there will be no justice until they stand before the Lord, unless the people exact justice on them outside the politically controlled system.

    Perp walks there may be.

    But the big high ones will remain free, with all their ill-gotten gains quite untouchable.

    In the end, for justice there is no hope but Mount Hope, and the Judgement of the Lord beyond the grave.

    The only thing we can even hope to do is speed their trip to that Justice.

    By, as they say, any means necessary…

  5. uh-uhh: I don’t think the issue was so much that Kristi “dispatched” her dog, as much as the fact that she bragged about it in her autobiography. This showed a certain political tone-deafness that could be a distraction for the Trump administration.


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