The NYTimes notices that ObamaCare is causing insurance rates to soar – IOTW Report

The NYTimes notices that ObamaCare is causing insurance rates to soar


There have been plenty of stories about the ways in which ObamaCare is driving up healthcare costs. All across the country, we’ve seen double digit insurance rate hikes and soaring premiums. It’s nothing new, and conservatives have been warning that this would be the case since long before the unpopular law was rammed down America’s throat.

However, acknowledgement of ObamaCare’s failure usually comes from either right-leaning news sources, or insurance industry watchdogs.  We don’t often get it from the far-left paper of record, The New York Times:

8 Comments on The NYTimes notices that ObamaCare is causing insurance rates to soar

  1. It is good to see the NYT is putting on their investigative journalism hats and getting this breaking news story. I don’t know where we would be without them.

  2. Obamascare is, & always has been, designed as a failure. It was put in place to create the collapse of the health insurance market by government regulation driving up costs
    ……the NYTimes is just pointing the high cost out so we can get to ‘Single Payer’ (to the government) quicker.
    ….that’s all…signed Captain Obvious

  3. How about…..screw the NYT and everyone that works there. Take a few of these douchenozzles out of circulation, then see what these twatwaffles do. Maybe another story about a Kardashian or Caitlyn Jenner. Or better yet, how about a story about a squirrel. A$$holes.

  4. It’s so simple and stated for years: open the insurance competition across state lines.

    That’s right liberal assholes, capitalism and market competition WORKS.

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