The other Virginia race that could shock Democrats on Tuesday – IOTW Report

The other Virginia race that could shock Democrats on Tuesday


By Thomas Lifson

It makes sense that the top of the ticket in Virginia’s state election Tuesday gets most of the national attention. The fact that Terry McAuliffe is both a former governor and before that a Clinton bagman makes the race compelling to journalists. But the GOP candidate for lieutenant governor deserves a lot more attention, especially since she has a reasonable chance of winning her race, too.

I wonder why the legacy media has so little interest in Winsome Sears? Could it have anything to do with the fact that she is a Black, female, conservative, Marine veteran? MORE


11 Comments on The other Virginia race that could shock Democrats on Tuesday

  1. Winsome checks all the right boxes except being a conservative Republican. That’s why we haven’t heard anything about her in the Main Stream Dementiacrat Media. They would rather shove “Governor” Stacy Abrams down our gullet.

  2. I hope VA goes deep red.
    The propaganda outlets will analyze it for months.
    Joe S’s head will explode.

    Off topic…….
    Pray for Mr. Beachmom. He has been denied religious and medical exemptions.
    Gone to get the J&J shot.
    If we lived in a large state instead of ME he’d have choices for a job change. He’s very upset.

  3. I did not vote for Sears in the primary. She is way better that the D, but she constantly refers to her skin color in interviews and even her ADs. As an example, in her current AD, she states, “The 2nd A is for all Americans no matter your race”! I am annoyed each time I hear the AD. Who would think the 2nd A would have anything to do with race? Ans: a racist minded person. What, black folks don’t think the 2nd A applies to them and they have to be told it does?

  4. It’s also been shown that the D’s do not want black people to be armed legally.
    Easier to control them.
    Sometimes you have to beat the D’s at their own game to get the votes.

  5. I voted for the whole ticket.

    Would you like to have McAsshole, Ayala and retain Mark Herring as Attorney General?

    I am willing to take the chance that Youngkin, Sears and Miyares will all be better than the Democrats. What choice do I have?

    Go and vote.

  6. Her signs and Youngkin’s are all over the Shenandoah Valley. Very few McAuliffe signs –even over in Charlottesville!

    And, the local boys have figured out conservatives can use early voting too… Used to be a lot of them didn’t bother to come off the mountain to vote because election day is in high hunting season. Now, they’re voting early or by mail.


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