The People of the Swamp Are Being Drained… of Energy – IOTW Report

The People of the Swamp Are Being Drained… of Energy

Trump’s energy is creating such centrifugal force, the left-wing media, pundits, pols and activists are being thrown against the wall, stuck, only able to watch as he goes about the business of righting the lefts in this country.

Sundance, of The Conservative Treehouse is enjoying it:

The MSM is really bad at playing whack-a-mole.

By the time they’ve got their cameras and pundits briefed on their preferred outrage of the day ::poof:: someone drops an anvil on their head, Trump disappears and word comes out he’s reappeared with a new batch of  instructions and policy deliverables for them to be outraged about.

Trump-time moves so fast, they don’t have time to roll out the traditional coordinated talking points. President Trump is one person, yet he has them surrounded.

It’s the scariest thing the entire DC apparatus has ever experienced.  They’re aging on TV in front of your eyes.  TV Time is now measured in dog years. Each media day the pundits grow seven months worth of furrowed brow and wrinkles.

Even at home the media feel like they’re living out of a suitcase..

Here’s  a video highlighting Trump’s high energy-

ht/ all too much


10 Comments on The People of the Swamp Are Being Drained… of Energy

  1. Yeah, Resting Bitch Face is popping out all over the MSM. Even the dudes. They’d better get to botoxing, or it’ll be a roomful of Madeleine Albrights getting roasted to ashes by President Trump at the White House Correspondents dinner in April.

  2. All I see after reading this story is that carnival ride where everyone stands against the wall and it starts to spin. It goes faster and faster until the floor drops out and the people are stuck against the wall–that would be the dims and the opposition party (LSM). In some ways, it is me just trying to keep up with the stories! I almost hate to go to sleep–I might miss something!

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