The Perfumed Princes of the Pentagon – IOTW Report

The Perfumed Princes of the Pentagon

American Thinker:

If you’re not familiar with the term “Perfumed Prince,” take a look at Air Force LTG Jay Silveria, Commander of the Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs.

Silveria achieved the national spotlight by chewing out the entire class over racial slurs posted on five cadets’ quarters.  Months later, it turned out that one of the targets was actually the perpetrator.

Here are some bullet points from a field manual.

Get the facts, before you act.

Solve problems at the lowest level.

Concede a mistake.

Praise in public, reprimand in private.

General “Knee-Jerk” violated all of them.  When confronted with his error, he replied that this had to be said anyway.  Apparently, he was conflating the Charlottesville protests with his own command, not to mention a likely disdain for his commander in chief.

But here we have an intelligence failure.  Charlottesville may well have been a false flag operation.  So was the “hoax” at Silveria’s academy.  Intelligence must be timely and adequate.  Silveria was spot-on with time but dismally inadequate despite plenty of open source information, aka “news”.

The general ranted himself into an ambush.

Wonder why we don’t win wars?

Colonel David Hackworth coined the term “Perfumed Princes”  to describe the leaders who sidestepped the Vietnam disaster and infested the senior ranks, playing the academic or business manager while they squeezed out soldiers on the soggy end.

But Silveria’s rant went beyond careerism.  Silveria ordered everyone to video his rant on their cell phones to make sure his spiel went prime-time.  Everyone from Senator McCain to Joe Biden heaped the praise.  The Washington Post opined, “Too bad Trump can’t emulate the military when it comes to matters of race.”

“Eau de Diversity” is the fab fragrance of the Perfumed Princes as required by the political elite.  Continued

11 Comments on The Perfumed Princes of the Pentagon

  1. Silveria’s rant and attitude reflects the same mind set of those generals and perfumed princes who implemented “The Rules of Engagement” and “No Fire Zones”. These paper tigers cost many of our finest fighting warriors their lives, destroyed their families. Why would this nation send our warriors to hostile and deadly environments without the support and means to protect their lives?

    Many of the Generals and pentagon perfumed princes who make these policy decisions are political appointees, promoted for “diversity” purposes and have never served in combat (but they are good at kissing ass, writing and counting beans).
    We call them REMFs and they’ll get you killed.
    (Rear Echelon M-Fers)

    Time to free our Military from ass kissers and political appointees who have never lead combat units or experienced combat themselves.

  2. When I was in they made my buddies run jeep patrols around Lebanon with rifles but no rounds (bullets).
    The Perfumed Princes didn’t want any international incidents.
    They would rather deal with the death of a few U.S. Marines than deal with explaining an “international incident”

  3. “He should take special care
    not to get in front of his
    troops when there is an enemy
    around .”

    Don’t worry, very little chance of guys like him ever being near the action.

  4. Hackworth was the most heavily decorated soldier in Vietnam. Read his book “About Face” it’s very insightful and exposes the “perfumed Princes” in the officers ranks that have harmed our military so much.

  5. There are several people who claimed to be the most heavily decorated soldier in Vietnam, another being Anthony Herbert. The Army disallowed his claim to several decorations and a Ranger tab. This is the same guy who accused Adm Jeremy Boorda of wearing decorations he had no right to, leading to Boorda’s suicide.

    Hackworth was brought up on charges stemming from his years in Vietnam including running a black market and tossed out of the Army, receiving a less than honorable discharge.

    For all of this, he hated the Army and never missed a chance to badmouth it. For which, the Lefties adored him.

    Hackworth may have been a lot of things, but a hero ain’t one of them.

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