The Real Threat to Our Democracy – IOTW Report

The Real Threat to Our Democracy

Robert Spencer in PJ Media

With the sweetheart deal that Hunter Biden just got from federal prosecutors, Attorney General Merrick Garland has once again confirmed that he has taken the Justice Department, which was once the envy of the world for its indefatigable commitment to equal justice for all, and turned it into a squad of legal hit men for foes of the Biden regime and a legal laundromat for the regime’s members and cronies, most notably for the alleged president’s crackhead influence-peddling son. Garland himself, however, bristles if you believe your lying eyes on this matter. On Friday he complained that charges that his Justice Department was doling out frame jobs for dissidents and skates for friends of the regime was a threat to — that’s right! — our “democracy.” More

7 Comments on The Real Threat to Our Democracy

  1. Which “dicksuckers”, anonymous? Homosexuals? Dog fuckers? Child fuckers?

    Take some time to be more clear with your posts.


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