The ‘realistic’ Barbie doll, Lammily, just got her first period – IOTW Report

The ‘realistic’ Barbie doll, Lammily, just got her first period

Screen Shot 2015-09-24 at 10.57.36 AMThere’s a video ad from Lammily, the company that makes a doll that teaches young girls about having their periods, that could be among the worst cringe-inducing pieces of crap ever produced. The parents, naturally, are morons, embarrassments, clueless and incompetent. It makes one wonder how they’ve provided the wonderful house the daughter is sitting in.

But forget all that. You know what I want to see? I want to see an “honest reality-based” video where parents have a talk with their little transgender child and explain how they won’t be buying the Lammily doll because they will never be menstruating.

I’m going to produce a different doll for the parents that want to push their mentally ill child into believing they’re a woman. My doll will be called Anomaly.

It will have a detachable scrotum and a penis that can be inverted. It’ll have bolt on tits, handfuls of hormones, some collagen injections, Adam’s Apple scrapers, a pitch control for the voice box, and a psychiatrist’s couch.

ht/ Twitter: @JasonChisel




32 Comments on The ‘realistic’ Barbie doll, Lammily, just got her first period

  1. Seriously? Periods suck. Pretend to make it fun with a doll and your teenager will only hate you all that much more.

    We get to have babies which is awesome but the other 425 months or so doesn’t make so hard to believe in the whole apple in a tree punishment thing.

  2. What the hell are these idiots thinking? I suppose the term innocent childhood is a concept that they don’t have a clue about.

    What’s next…post menopausal Barbie visiting cranky Ken and his enlarged prostate at the urgent care center?

  3. Or an Obama doll with a big dick shoved up its ass.

    Or a “69” doll of the Pope and Obola.

    with a “Crying Boehner” on the side.

    maybe that should be a “weeping boner?”

    or “dripping boner?”

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