The Russians Are Coming! The Russians Are Coming! – IOTW Report

The Russians Are Coming! The Russians Are Coming!

I’m a big fan of It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World-

Very reminiscent of IAMMMMW is The Russians Are Coming! The Russians Are Coming!

Someone cut the TRACTRAC and applied it to the left’s obsession that Russia has infiltrated our government through Donald Trump —>

The Russians Are Coming! The Russians Are Coming!!


19 Comments on The Russians Are Coming! The Russians Are Coming!

  1. sig94,

    What Watson says in the first minute of that video is 100% true. These assholes are willing to face a Nuclear War with Russia or start a civil war here. They’re insane. I’m thinking Putin is showing great restraint. These people need to be locked up.

  2. Will these pussies lay it on the line for their wimps? willing to die for oblowme and the shrew? for idiotVillager Joey Plugs? i doubt it. Screaming foul like scalded cats maybe, but stand up and fight, not so much.

  3. Southwesterner
    They are committed Socialists. They’ll have someone else do their fighting for them. It’s certainly happened many times through out history and this shit’s getting a real third world feel to it.

  4. just got a tip from a buddy of mine that works at the WaPo that a DemonRat Congresscritter just talked to an unidentified CIA agent who said that a ‘Moose & Squirrel’ (obviously ‘code names’)uncovered a Russkie spy ring run by a ‘Boris & Natasha’

    … Roger Ramjet is reportedly standing by for action

  5. “We’ve just got to get ORGANIZED!”

    Who are you quoting? Flynn, Mattis. You think these two cats can’t call in an air strike on the White Hut? And that’s been the issue with stupid Berry day one. We still have our bibles, and we have even more guns. Let’s get it on.

  6. very funny movie in the vein of Mad Magazine … (it was the ’60’s … ya had to be there)

    btw, woulda been a nice clip if John Landis (the man who killed Vic Morrow) wasn’t flapping his gums all over it

  7. The only thing I didn’t like about that movie, “It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World”, was Micky Rooney, never could stand that guy. Great movie. I’m gonna have to watch that again now.

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