The Trumpocrats – IOTW Report

The Trumpocrats

Democratic strategist explains why he is putting his support behind Trump


15 Comments on The Trumpocrats

  1. Before the convention I pledged to myself that I would convince at least four people to go for Trump.
    Three so far!
    If everyone does this the election is in the bag!

  2. Something to be glad about:

    Every party switcher is equal to two first time voters choosing Trump.

    With each switcher – one less Dem vote + one more Trump vote = a difference of two.

  3. The image of the young woman with glasses is perfect!
    All the clueless guys will see it and think “Wow! Cute, smart girls are voting for Trump. If I do it, then they will finally go out with me!”.

  4. What the …! Did you hear what he said at the very beginning? I haven’t even watched it and I’m seething. He started by saying “Well, they call themselves the Trumpocrats.” Then softly said, “An unfortunate name.”

    Damn, they just can’t give it up, can they?

  5. Something to be glad about:

    Every party switcher is equal to two first time voters choosing Trump.

    With each switcher – one less Dem vote + one more Trump vote = a difference of two.

    On second thought, it’s equal to 3 new voters coming along and voting for Trump.

    Let’s use 1 Trumpocrat just for the sake of having a number and keeping the language less confusing.

    To start, leave the 1 in the Dem column as if zhe weren’t switching.

    1 new voter would cancel zer out. Technically a plus but not one more than the Trumpocrat that would have stayed.

    2 new voters would be a a plus 1 in the tally column if the Trumpocrat stayed.

    3 new voters would be a plus 2 if the 1 Trumpocrat stayed.

    Each switcher is equal to 3 new voters voting Trump. 1 less Dem vote plus 1 more Trump vote = +2

    Thank you 10th grade geometry teacher and your proofs lessons.

  6. Claudia

    Yeah that was a wtf moment for me too. My eyes went immediately to the bottom to see what network this was on.

    Sorely disappointed it came from a network labeled, falsely, as right wing.

    Not helpful.

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