There Is a Meth Crisis in America- Most of it coming from Mexico – IOTW Report

There Is a Meth Crisis in America- Most of it coming from Mexico

WFB: Methamphetamine overdose deaths have skyrocketed in the past decade, hitting numbers unheard of during the mid-2000s meth epidemic as tens of thousands of pounds of the drug flow across the southwest border.

An analysis conducted by the Free Beacon, based on publicly available data, shows that meth-associated overdose deaths rose more than 450 percent between 2008—the trough of the last meth crisis—and 2016. According to the Drug Enforcement Administration and the Free Beacon’s analysis, that spike was instigated not by domestically produced meth, but by a surge of amphetamines trafficked by Mexican cartels into the United States.  more here

15 Comments on There Is a Meth Crisis in America- Most of it coming from Mexico

  1. From Feb NYTimes article:

    In Oregon, 232 people died from meth use in 2016, nearly twice as many as died from heroin — and three times as many as died from meth 10 years before, according to the state Department of Health.

    Build the friggin Wall.

  2. I don’t know how many times I’ve been told by half-wit libs that it’s just people wanting to harvest fruit and veggies, and do menial labor, such as housekeeping, that come across the border. Maybe they consider the drugs to be an added bonus. We see how dumbocraps have a soft spot for MS-13.

  3. Well, this explains all the sudden focus on “prescription narcotics abuse”. It’s to take everyone’s eyes off the REAL problem; mexican invaders bringing drugs with them.

  4. So instead of doing anything meaningful about the problem, the government went to pain clinics and wanted to know how many pain meds were being prescribed to surgery victims and folks dying of cancer. And the left wants us to trust our health care to the government?

  5. A porous US border gives us diseases, meth, heroin, unregulated prescription drugs, rapists, gangs, murderers, pedophiles, perverts of all persuasions, sex traffickers, islamic terrorists, users, abusers and losers.

    And the reasons we aren’t building the wall are: ?

  6. @cato
    “And the reasons we aren’t building the wall are:“

    Because none of the major corporate donors to the Republican Party want one built.
    The Dems want the guaranteed welfare vote and the Republican elite wants the cheap labor.
    Both parties want people like us dead.

    Impoverishing the American Middle Class and then replacing them with a more reliable ‘voting bloc of color’ is better for their bottom line, and the rest of us can all go off and die now.
    They don’t wan’t an America, they want a Centeral America.

  7. Seen a cold slab cutcha up Doctor
    slice out a 19 year old dudes liver.
    Doc holds it up to the camera=
    “If I did’t just slice out this dude’s
    liver I would have bet 1000$ it came out
    of a 95 year old man…

  8. I live in MO – reputed to have the greatest number of meth labs, per capita, of anywhere on Earth – we should, definitely, shut down this mexican incursion.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. The media calls this “opiates” then lies about dead people in the street from prescribed pain meds. The govt cannot stop meth fentanyl heroin- so they take medicine away from suffering paun patients, thump their chests, and say they are fighting opiates. Cruel bahstahds. Of course they get their pain meds and are not drug tested either

  10. So let’s seal the fucking border and let normal people get decongestants again without having to show their license and register in a government database, thanks. Oh and while we’re at it, how about letting Americans who have severe and/or chronic pain get their fucking pain pills again so they can suffer a little less and live their lives a little bit more easily? Huh? You hear me, Sessions, you confused and inept sonofabitch?

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