There Will Be Priestesses – IOTW Report

There Will Be Priestesses

Taylor Marshall reports “Yes, so Bishops are officially ‘commissioning women ministers’ to minister at the altar after studying 2 years at seminary. This is not the Amazon. It’s not the future. It’s the present Novus Ordo reality. See photo. Reclaim the Roman Rite. Reject this:”

The “this” rejected is a picture from Archbishop Gregory Aymond featuring himself with a group of would-be priestesses, and the words

On Sunday, we commissioned 8 women to be LAY ECCLESIAL MINISTERS for our archdiocese. They have prepared for 2 years at Notre Dame Seminary. Our archdiocese is blessed by their faith and commitment to ministry. We are grateful to them and their loved ones who made this possible. The picture includes them and the staff of the institute.

It is impossible for a female person to be a priest, or even a priestess, in the Roman Catholic Church. It is also impossible for a man to be a nun or sister. Symmetric discrimination. Anyway, given the impossibility, you’d think the squishy men (unfortunately appointed as priests in great numbers) would give up trying. They will not.

They are in the grip of Equality. Equality is the mind killer.

Continue reading here.

21 Comments on There Will Be Priestesses

  1. So the cult chased away too many members, and didn’t do enough to replace the dying ones, and now they are scrambling to find lesbian priests to replace the gay priests.

  2. Men can play any game they want to play, but God and his rules do not change.

    And his rules are the only ones that count in eternity and beyond, they are the only ones that determine who is received there and who is not.

  3. The priestess cult thing has been going on for quite a few decades. Maybe even centuries. Not Roman Catholic. Not Orthodox. Not Greek Orthodox.

    Plus, we have an abundance of awesome married or widower deacons who have superior training that could be tapped if need arises and the celibate priests go along with it.

  4. I’m waiting for the first transgender “female” to enter a nunnery. I’m sure they’ll fit right in and be happy. After all, there will be a smaller percentage of females with sexually transmitted diseases in the cloister. At least until transgender boy makes the rounds.

  5. I hate to break this to whoever might not already know. In 1986 at Assisi, reportedly beloved and revered John Paul II invited a bunch of pagans, shamans and witch doctors to participate in a group prayer for global unity, since all religions are equal before “god” or something. Isn’t that even worse?

    Anyway, something like this really isn’t news.

  6. Wiccans and satanists, proponents of the concept of priestesses, don’t like being left out of a religious hierarchy that supports their beliefs. They need positions of power to promote their doctrines.
    Catholicism is no exception. In fact, Catholicism for centuries has accommodated heathen/pagan practitioners and cultures without prioritizing conversion to the Catholic faith.

    The following is Ann Barnhardt’s (Catholic apologist) take on priestesses. Not for the faint of heart or prude; .

  7. Sure, catholics don’t have priestesses- but satanists do!
    And the way that the good ol’ ‘church’ has been going this doesn’t surprise me. :b

    I mean- ever heard of a NUN?
    A priest is celibate, worships God his whole life. A nun is the same thing.

    This priestess thing is evil. I can smell it.

  8. I was married to one of those ex Catholic girls for 35.5 years, hubba, hubba. My late wife loved the movie The Trouble With Angels, she would’ve made a great and very happy and naughty Nun but fortunately she didn’t for my sake and our 3 kids and now 4 granddaughters. She also would’ve been a lot like the Nuns portrayed in Monty Python And The Holy Grail.


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