These Cars Aren’t Illegal, They Are Undocumented – IOTW Report

These Cars Aren’t Illegal, They Are Undocumented

Daily Signal- 

Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.

But parking your tires, your Ford or your Honda with a Massachusetts license plate on the streets of New York City overnight certainly won’t be free.

At least that’s the idea behind a proposal to ban overnight parking for out-of-state cars in New York City.

Michael Miller, a Queens assemblyman, wants to tow away any cars left on city streets between 2 a.m. and 5 a.m. that don’t have a New York license plate.

Miller has his reasons for pushing the proposal.

“By registering out-of-state, you are either committing fraud by not registering your vehicle in New York state or you are avoiding paying state Department of Motor Vehicles fees,” he told the New York Post.


9 Comments on These Cars Aren’t Illegal, They Are Undocumented

  1. Is he fucking retarded? What if someone is in from out of town on a long visit? What if it’s a rental car? What if they work in NY and live in NJ or Canada?

    They tried something close to that in Las Vegas and they ended up harassing the tourists. lol oopsies.
    So what they did was go to the state/city building employee parking lots and started ticketing the cars there. The person then had to prove their residence matched their IDs. But even that was half assed, because we have people from AZ and Utah that work here for a handful of days a week and then go home.

    In NY, you’d think they’d be catching lots of illegals that way, but I’m sure they’re exempt, huh?

  2. Dumbass liberals. Raise taxes and fees to exorbitant levels then whine when people figure out a workaround.

    I understand the parasites in detroilet are trying to come up with laws to prevent productive citizens from leaving.

  3. Good work, New York. Ban those evil people who drive their cars in to the city to spend their money and support your businesses.
    No wonder the state is hemorrhaging taxpayers. Just another example of the parasites killing their own hosts.

  4. Not that this bill should be discussed at all, but…

    NJ is 5 minutes from NYC. Pennsylvania about 1 hour. Connecticut under an hour.
    There are parts of NYS that are 6 hours from NYC, and these people wouldn’t be towed away whereas the people who contribute to NYC’s economy every day would be harassed.

    This is PROGRESS!!!!

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