They Have 40 Days Before the Beatings Commence – IOTW Report

They Have 40 Days Before the Beatings Commence


The Iowa caucuses are January 15, 2024, and represent the first opportunity for the GOP nomination contest to highlight candidate support.

Initially, I was going to wait to post this information later, mid-December.  However, based on conversation earlier today, and my pledge to be publicly consistent and transparent, here’s an advance review of my expectations. More

7 Comments on They Have 40 Days Before the Beatings Commence

  1. The truth of the matter is, and Tulsi Gabbard of all people did an excellent job pointing this out, all these losers including and especially RDS are hoping Trump gets killed. It’s their only chance. Trump/Gabbard 2024. I’m hardly joking.

  2. I no longer trust anyone currently in gubmint, or that has been in gubmint … including Gabbard ,Palin, Flynn & particularly the upper echelons of the US Military (until proven innocent, I regard them all guilty of treason)

    you want to turn this around you need new blood … Musk, D’Souza, Carson, Ramaswami, even DeSantis (on a short leash) … revamp the RNC w/ patriots instead of rich donors, reward those that do the work, instead of those that want to control.

    don’t be traitorous, disgusting D’rat Light … be those that help grow & strengthen the United States & uphold the Constitution.

    One Nation, under God, with Liberty & Justice for All
    …why is this so hard to understand?

    P.S. you want to know how crucial this next election is? our court system will collapse into a People’s Court (ala Nazi Germany & Soviet Union) w/ a D’rat president picking the replacement for Thomas & Alito & all the appellate court judges … may God have mercy on us all

  3. If the DC swamp thinks they’re going change the minds of Trump supporters they’re delusional.
    I saw an independent reporter asking random people in the Bronx who they’re voting for and the overwhelming answer was Trump. Most of them said because when Trump was Pres they actually had money in their pockets and now they don’t.

    That will not change with leftists running things.
    DC swamp won’t overcome that either.

    Cheating or assassinating Trump are their only options.
    I pray God has His hand of protection on Trump and angels around him.


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