They’re eating the signs at Berkeley – IOTW Report

They’re eating the signs at Berkeley



Leftists at Berkeley change tactics, literally eat fliers for speakers they don’t like.

In the kind of behavior you’d expect from cartoon characters and maybe some especially confused dogs, Leftist radicals on Berkeley campus have begun staging a new form of protest against speakers they dislike.

Disposing of advertisements through consumption. As in they take the fliers, put them in their mouths, and eat them.


15 Comments on They’re eating the signs at Berkeley

  1. Just Put LSD on the Paper, that’s How They Take The Drug anyways !
    The Guilty Parties Can Be Found either Dancing Naked Un – Rythmicaly !
    Or Staring Blankly at A Random Door Somewhere !!!

  2. Coat the fliers with an emetic (causes diarrhea).
    Or a spray of warfarin (rat poison, causes internal bleeding).
    Maybe an emulsion of habanaro peppers, give ’em blisters inside AND out.

  3. Easier way? No need to round up (no pun intended) harsh chemicals…or

    illegal drugs/substances…You’re own body provides enough Biological

    Warfare to make these fucks never want to eat again…a little Poo

    goes along way…They’ll fill the hundred acre woods Port-a-potti

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