Things you should never say to your kids (unless you’re intentionally raising snowflakes) – IOTW Report

Things you should never say to your kids (unless you’re intentionally raising snowflakes)


“Practice makes perfect.”  -preaching this idea of “perfection” to your child can be confusing for them.

“Move faster.” – Yelling out this command sends your child into a panic, which in turn only slows them down.

“You’re okay.” – even a small scrape can be traumatic for your child, so playing the gruff parent and brushing it off is only going to make the situation worse.

“You shouldn’t be feeling this way.” -With this one simple phrase, you are teaching them to invalidate their own feelings.

“Leave me alone.” – telling your children to leave you alone will only make them feel as though you don’t value time spent with them.

“You’re a liar.” -Even if they did lie about something, this accusatory tone is only going to make your child feel like you are personally attacking them.

“Because I said so.” -this is only the retort you give when you really don’t know why you’re making your child join a soccer team when they would rather just be picking flowers and steering clear of large flying objects.







26 Comments on Things you should never say to your kids (unless you’re intentionally raising snowflakes)

  1. …Solomon of Bible fame is held to be the wisest of men, and he wrote TONS of good advice to one of his numerous sons that we know today as the Book of Proverbs.

    …and it’s kind of telling about how that advice was received, that the only son we know anything about was a complete ASS…

  2. Aaaaaaaannnnd sometimes the fastest way to the brain is thru the rear end.
    A swat on the rear end is worth 1,000 Liberal tears.

    Yes it’s important to work with your kids, just be truthful and realistic.

  3. Common phrases around here..

    Quit being a goddamn goof
    Get the hell out of my house
    I’m older
    Smooth move, exlax
    How fucking retarded are you?
    Go away goofy fruit before you fly away
    What are you gay?
    Piss off, I’m busy
    Use your own money
    I don’t give a shit who started it

  4. Some of my Tiger Mom exhortations:

    “You git what you git, and don’t throw a fit!”
    “Thank you, thank you. Now I don’t have to spank you.”
    Me: “Live and ….” Child: “Learn.”
    “Fix your face.” (Meaning: Get that frown, scowl, glare, off your face.)
    “Put on your happy pants.” (Stop being whiny and grumpy.)
    “Life isn’t fair.”
    “Monkey see, monkey do.” (Don’t do what a stupid person does.)

  5. On not saying “Practice makes perfect”: Too many kids think they don’t have to put in the time to become proficient at something, so they just give up or the never try in the first place. They’d rather be “successful” at nothing than risk failure at anything. This, I think, is why so many kids have such a low bar and end up with a bad circle of loser friends.

    And don’t get me started on kids up and quitting at the first sign of a challenge (to their flabby bodies/minds).

    And the people who write this junk cannot possibly know that kids are a LOT rougher and more judgemental with each other than any parent will be.

  6. How about stop your whining, there’s no blood and I don’t care who did what. Now get back outside.
    And I’m gonna give you something to cry about.
    Or how about I’m gonna snatch you bald?
    Or a Gibbs to the back of the head?

    All verboten?

  7. “Eat all your food, people are starving in China.”

    …but it better not be CHINESE food, or modern Moms start whining about “cultural appropriation”….

    …also, lots of people starved in China, but it was due to Communism. Not eating from Capitalist plates in no way changed that equation, but some air mail from Curtis LeMay could have, if it had been made in a timely fashion.

    And Mom never mentioned ANY of this…


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