This Is Really Sad – IOTW Report

This Is Really Sad

This guy’s father (the mother’s ex-husband) works as a cook in the cafeteria at the company where I work.  He is the nicest guy.  He is understandably devastated.

“A child-custody dispute over 3-year-old Kelly Williams ended in tragedy over the weekend when her father fatally shot her and his own mother then turned the gun on himself inside their Manchester Township home, police said.”

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He needs our prayers.

8 Comments on This Is Really Sad

  1. Man O Man Jethro. What a tragedy for everyone.
    If you talk to him don’t just pass the breeze, he knows and you know what happened, but the best thing that you can do is listen, when he is ready to talk, let him talk.

  2. So sad, really sad. When people do this kind of thing it goes beyond any reason. Had a coworker who was funny, smart, well-connected as they say, but was going through a bitter separation.
    He quit his job only after a year. A week later I saw the ex-coworker and gave him a big hug. Somehow I just felt how troubled the person was and wanted him to know I cared. The next week the person killed his ex, the ex’s partner and himself. Knowing such darkness and evil can manifest in someone you know is very unsettling.

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