This Is The Most Partisan Agency In The Entire Federal Government, According To FEC Records – IOTW Report

This Is The Most Partisan Agency In The Entire Federal Government, According To FEC Records

DC—And the award for most partisan federal government agency with the most donations to Democrats goes to … the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB).

According to campaign finance data released Thursday, employees of the bureau — created under the watchful eye of liberal Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren — gave 100 percent of its donations to Democratic candidates in 2016, with $50,000 of political aid money divided between Hillary Clinton and independent Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, who battled it out for the Democratic presidential nomination.

More than 300 political donations came from the federal government agency, the Washington Free Beacon reports.

The CFPB was part of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act that became law in 2010 and gave the federal government sweeping regulatory powers in response to the ongoing banking and financial crisis of the period. The legislation, known as the Dodd-Frank Act, was first announced in 2009 and was spearheaded by former Massachusetts Rep. Barney Frank and then-Senate Banking Chair Chris Dodd, both Democrats.

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12 Comments on This Is The Most Partisan Agency In The Entire Federal Government, According To FEC Records

  1. “Consumer Financial Protection Bureau”
    translated into English means
    “We overburden the producers of what you want and need to the point that you can’t affford their products anymore, which is okay by us, because you shouldn’t want them in the first place…and we know better than you, so it IS true!”

    Honestly, no idea what they do.
    That sort of sh!t would normally (hah!) be covered
    under the US Department of Commerce.

  2. Dear President-Elect Trump

    The problems created by liberals are many

    The burdens carried by Conservatives are numerous

    I am old

    Time is short

    Please take action ASAP

  3. 10% of all federal employees should be offered the choice of:
    Getting laid off, or,
    Reassignment to Federal Lands Management where they will re-train as entry level Land Stewards. They will repair public lands infrastructure with hand labor. They will trim trees, maintain roadside woodlands, cut fire breaks, pick up trash, etc.

  4. @Poor Lazlo – I you really want that land taken care of, the fed employees should be retrained as real estate agents. Sell that land to private concerns – there’s no Constitutional permission for the central govt to own any real estate aside from DC and some military facilities.

  5. There should be NO federally owned lands, at all, ever. The land should be cared for by whatever state it’s in. That’s cared for, not owned, the owners of the land is the American people, not the Fed, and not the State.

  6. @JMV – Well, unfortunately they do have Constitutional authority for a little bit. See Article I, Section 8…

    17: To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings

    I would happily support an Amendment nullifying that, though.

  7. So, this is all part of Dodd/Frank. In an effort to “protect consumers” the regulations have created an environment where home appraisals have gone from $190 (that would be one hundred and ninety dollars no typo) to over $1,500. I’ve heard in some cases appraisals running of $3,000. How that is ‘helping consumers’ is beyond me.

    Only a libtard can look at that and smile.

    Burn it to the ground!

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