This is who the Obamas are… – IOTW Report

This is who the Obamas are…


38 Comments on This is who the Obamas are…

  1. Life in the whitehouse for the obama’s is one big party paid for by Taxpayers……
    hob-knobbing with movie stars, singers, bands, free stylish clothes, concerts, vacations, golf, more vacations, making millions of dollars, spending trillion of dollars, more golf, the best food, people driving you around, secret service protection, flying around in air force one attending 100s of political fundraisers, dancing, laughing, unlimited photo ops, telling the little people how to act, what to eat and how to live all the while denigrating and destroying a great nation.

    The party won’t end soon enough to suit me.

  2. BFH, remember when Americans were stuck in Libya (’11) the state dept. couldn’t get them evacuated, then rented a boat that was too small?

    That same night Americans were stranded in Tripoli as all hell broke out, the Obama’s were having a Motown Review Gala in the White House.


  3. Why expect anything more of these people? While our Ambassador was getting massacred in Benghazi, Obama was no where to be found. The Obamas are people who were never taught any manners, no one taught nor informed them of protocol in the White House or how to approach and entertain world leaders. We know who the Obamas are, they are an embarrassment and will go down into the pages of American as such.

  4. Obama wants to be every other President of the United States-and when he actually could be like FDR during WWII-he punts.

    These idiots must honestly think nothing can happen here because Obama’s “got this” because of his strong use of the teleprompter.

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