This video posted by a white house intern is “not fabulous” – IOTW Report

This video posted by a white house intern is “not fabulous”

This makes one long for the days of Monica Lewinsky. What am I watching?

Is this what the left wants in power, this level of silliness and ridiculousness?

What am I saying? Of course they do.

38 Comments on This video posted by a white house intern is “not fabulous”

  1. Obviously he is also willing to work under someone’s desk but he is too old and male for the Occu-Pant-Load.

    I bet his hair smells real fuckin fruity tutti though.

  2. My wife had the closing Olympic ceremonies on and I caught a few minutes of it. NBC had some “creature” on that made this guy look almost normal.
    Barf bags all around barkeep.

    Russia and China have got to be splitting their sides on this one.

  3. F4UCorsair

    I also watched 73 seconds of the closing ceremony too…until Johnny WEIRed came on in all his gay ass flamboyance and I was like there is no way I am subjecting my kids to see this circus clown…..NBC deserves their awful ratings for putting the gay ass drag queen clown on prime time.

  4. FFS. Election fraud is why that little fudge packer with no relationship with his father is flouncing around the halls of The White House. At this point, only two things can save us from this demonic rampage:

    1) Military coup and/or
    2) Divine intervention.

    PRESIDENT Trump qualifies under the second option.

  5. While we’re restricted in our daily lives these fucking assholes inhabiting our nations capitol are playing dress up and cute games on our dime. Not humorous in any way. Absolute bullshit. This is what teenagers do.

  6. Joe Bidens America!
    Joe Bidens America!
    Joe Bidens America!
    Joe Bidens America!
    Joe Bidens America!
    Joe Bidens America!
    Joe Bidens America!
    Joe Bidens America!
    Joe Bidens America!

  7. The only important thing the prancing perv is influencing is the increasing desire of patriots to have the real President, Mr. Trump back in the White House where he belongs.


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