This Will Bother Gay Leftists – IOTW Report

This Will Bother Gay Leftists

12 Comments on This Will Bother Gay Leftists

  1. There are articles posted all over the place that basically are them pissing, whining and moaning that “Pride” is not being given the attention it has been. One can only hope that “Pride” has jumped the shark. It’s long overdue.

  2. Thank God that Pride month is over. Now let’s get down to celebrating American freedom on Independence Day 3 days from now and may God continue to bless America. The queers and all the other America hating freaks and the democrap party etc., not so much.

  3. Ahh, anything that upsets the communist/socialist/democrat/leftist/anti-American shitlibs… but I repeat myself… is terrific. Scott_______ visual artist, really vigorous defender of normalcy… what is his last name?

  4. Pride month is over. People ask me if I celebrate it. I tell them I park out back of my business and come in through the back door. That usually shuts them up.

  5. The credit union we do business with was chosen because they weren’t woke.
    What do I see this morning when I click on their link?
    Two gay guys embracing over the new mortgage they’re getting.
    I emailed them and told them what I think.
    So over having this crap shoved down my throat.
    I have changed grocery stores over it.
    I now go to Market Basket & Shaw’s.
    Hannaford can pound sand after helping get the kidnapping/mutilation of children bill passed here in Maine


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