Thomas Sowell Speaks For Robert Bork In Front Of Biden’s Judiciary Committee – IOTW Report

Thomas Sowell Speaks For Robert Bork In Front Of Biden’s Judiciary Committee

Professor Sowell makes the intelligent case for why judge Robert Bork deserves to be on the supreme court, including why affirmative action in enrollment at the Ivy League schools hurts those it is supposed to help.

Joe Biden responds as only a member of the privileged class who have gamed the system could understand. That merit, hard work and dedication matter little when one has a chance at a credential from one of the schools all the important people attend and from which they draw membership into their own class. Watch

9 Comments on Thomas Sowell Speaks For Robert Bork In Front Of Biden’s Judiciary Committee

  1. The complete spectrum of human intellect in that one clip, from the genius of Sowell to the cement head of Biden. And, don’t even get me started on the fact that Mary Jo Kopechne’s murderer is sitting there in judgment.

  2. The scum Kennedy yawning and looking distracted and indifferent while Sowell speaks.
    And then the dunce Biden has to have the simplest concepts explained.
    With a panel like that it’s a wonder any qualified judges manage to slip through.

  3. Thanks for posting this, Dr. Tar! I saw this a while back. I’ve watched several of Creepy Biden’s congressional theatrics. The one that I think most reveals his rotten soul is of the Thomas confirmation hearings. Vile. Vile. Vile man. Biden is a very mean, no good, rotten person. He’s the poster child for false pride.

  4. The “Chicago Boys” had some great guys. Dr. Sowell is clearly one of he better.

    Joe was a dumb, rich kid 45 years ago. Now he’s a dumb, rich old man. Maybe a little richer, but clearly no dumber than in 1980, or here 1987! 65 IQ then; 65 IQ now! But Jeb is just as dumb and he was favored by the “experts” 5 years ago!

  5. Thanks @DrT for this one.

    @2:27 – Kennedy is yawning from his nightly hangover.

    @5:12 they tried to cut him off.

    @7:50 – Biden interupted Sowell, under his breath.

    After that looked like the lawyer from Lawfare, Norman, can’t think of his name right now, over Bidens left shoulder, but a swamp creature for sure.


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