Thousands shut down major Chicago highway in the name of gun control – IOTW Report

Thousands shut down major Chicago highway in the name of gun control

BPR: The demonstration was organized to bring awareness to the city’s joblessness, high poverty rate, poor education system, skyrocketing crime and was demanding stricter gun laws, reported The Guardian.

Father Michael Pfleger, the chief organizer of the march, had been calling for Dan Ryan Highway to be shut down for weeks prior to the event.

Shortly after the demonstration began, Pfleger and Rev. Jesse Jackson again called for protestors to shut down the entire highway and bring traffic to a total standstill. Chicago Police complied with the march’s request, against the apparent request of Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner.

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel replied to the governor, tweeting “It was a peaceful protest. Delete your account.”

Emanuel did not attend the event, however, his police Superintendent Eddie Johnson took part in the protest.

Chicago has almost a fully Democratic government, and Illinois is the single-most Democratic dominated state in the U.S.  MORE

16 Comments on Thousands shut down major Chicago highway in the name of gun control

  1. Fr. Pfleger is known to most Faithful and unfaithful Catholics. Wherever Communists gather in the Chicago area, somewhere the Leftist priest attends to his altar. (Saul Alinsky was tight with a lot of the Catholic hierarchy in Chicago)

  2. Isn’t the Dan Ryan Highway a STATE Highway? Governor should cut off state highway funds for 6 months. And the Archbishop should grow a pair and defrock Pfleger,

  3. Decades of Democrat Mayors in Chicago has led to: “joblessness, high poverty rate, poor education system, skyrocketing crime”. Are they admitting they’ve done a piss poor job? Who or what are they protesting? I’m confused.

    As for stricter gun control laws, doesn’t Chicago already have strict gun control laws? It just proves that criminals don’t give a damn about gun control laws. Seriously, these people are morons.

  4. I think that if they start to clear the roadway with snowplows at high speed, it would put an end to that shit! I’ll even offer my services as a driver if needed!

    If there is a death that happens because medical help is impeded because of their protest, then the organizer/s should be charged with capital murder! I don’t give a shit what party they are with of how noble they think their protest is…FUKEM!!!

  5. Every time they pull this shit, somebody that needs emergency medical assistance can’t get it. Those numbers, and sometimes deaths, go unreported. It’s the responsibility of LE to keep our roads and highways clear. WTF?

  6. Grew up south of there but left that state when I was young. Still have family there. Was in downtown Chicago in June and it’s an even bigger shithole than what it was before.

  7. The demonstration was organized to bring awareness to the city’s joblessness, high poverty rate, poor education system, skyrocketing crime and was demanding stricter gun laws…

    No, it wasn’t, and saying so is stupid.

    The demonstration was simply to say “Look at how we’re fsking with you, you capitalist pigs, and you can’t do a damned thing about it! Neener!”

  8. If you watched any full videos of the event, I skipped through a nearly hour long one.

    The ISP along with the DOT blocked 3 lanes out of 5 initially. The protesters had 2 lanes, 1 was filled with ISP and DOT vehicles, the other 2 lanes were open to northbound traffic.

    This went on for about 20-25 minutes, then the ISP slowly took over another lane. One they could stand in without having to be close to the protesters. After another 20 minutes or so, they allowed the protesters to block the entire roadway for about 5 minutes as they corralled them off the highway.

    What a joke! On the bright side. Most of the felons were on the highway so not so much was stolen and shootings were down for the day!

  9. The demonstration was organized to bring awareness to the city’s joblessness, high poverty rate, poor education system, skyrocketing crime and was demanding stricter gun laws…

    And who, pray tell, isn’t already aware of that?

  10. Does anyone know a good truck detail person who can get rid of blood stains and bits and pieces of people and clothing in the grille? Uh, just asking for a friend.

  11. @Uncle Al: How To Drive On Drugs While Getting Your Wing Wang Squeezed Without Spilling Your Drink – or something close to that was the name of the article.


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