Tickle My Bum With a Mannequin Thumb – IOTW Report

Tickle My Bum With a Mannequin Thumb

18 Comments on Tickle My Bum With a Mannequin Thumb

  1. F4UCorsair, you’re dating yourself, Three Little Fishies by Kay Kaiser would be just as bad or worse. it was one of my mom’s favorite songs when I was a little kid back in the 50’s which she played a lot for my 3 brothers and I. And they swam, swam right over the dam…. Don’t you just love unforgettable ear worms.

  2. Thanks for that. I had no idea there were other people who detested these mediocre posers as much as I do. I never bothered to research it, but I am quite sure that somebody’s dad pulled some strings to get these LA mall rats onto the gravy train.

    And in a sea of stupid band names, their name bobs like a glowing turd. Back in their heyday, I actually lost a little respect for some friends who professed to like them.

    “Californication”…wow, there’s a clever word nobody ever thought of before them. Lenny Kravitz is a groundbreaking genius compared to these twits.

    /rant off

  3. The Red-Hot Chili Peppers are a band whose music literally repulses me. Not many bands have this effect on me. There are a lot of bands that I am not “in to” but at least can enjoy their music. Sometimes with a band, it’s not the music but the band members, their personalities and how they act, that turns me off.

    The Chili Peppers are the worst of both for me. I’ve never understood their appeal.


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