Tim Walz Needs Us More Than We Need Him – IOTW Report

Tim Walz Needs Us More Than We Need Him

This career politician, Walz, is reaching retirement age– but, he can’t afford to. His net worth is $330,000. What’s he qualified to do if he’s not on the government tit?


Walz owns no stocks, no property and doesn’t even have a 401k. No wonder experts are asking: Is this man financially inept?

13 Comments on Tim Walz Needs Us More Than We Need Him

  1. I suspect his net worth to balloon after his run for VP.
    Not withstanding his lifetime pensions paid for by US Citizen Taxpayers.
    Walz will be sucking on the taxpayer tit for years to come.

    Lifetime pensions:
    Teacher’s pension,
    National Guard pension
    Congressional Pension,
    Governor’s Pension

  2. Klamidia’s old man was a Marist “Economist”. Anyone who is educated in finance ain’t gonna be a Marxist. Marxists and Capitalism are polar opposites. Marxist Activist or Agitator: Yes. Economist: NO.
    Walz may want to appear poor, but given the opportunity he’ll grab money like a monkey grabbing bananas!
    Aaaaaaaannd in the same vein, give a coward a litle power and he will turn into a bully on a dime!

  3. How is that possible? I know people who have been working at a solid job for decades who are in the same financial position. New car every couple years, elaborate vacations and more than any other contributing factor, they love to go the casino on Friday night.


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