Time Mag Names Ukrainian Person of the Year – IOTW Report

Time Mag Names Ukrainian Person of the Year

Fox News

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy was named TIME magazine’s “Person of the Year” on Wednesday, beating out nine other individuals or groups who were finalists. The “spirit of Ukraine” was also honored in recognition of Ukrainians’ resistance to the Russian invaders of their country. 

Zelenskyy was highly favored to eventually win out as the “most influential” personality this year after he launched onto the world stage for defying Russia’s invasion of his country, Ukraine. Zelenskyy was formerly a comedian and actor who won the presidency of Ukraine in 2019. More


Given the background, it doesn’t come as a surprise.  Zelenskyy has previously made political opposition parties illegal and removed all media from Ukraine that is not state authorized.   However, the move to ban a Ukraine orthodox religion is still a considerable escalation into totalitarian extremes; all supported by the U.S. State Dept.

As Carlson notes in the latter part of his monologue, the insufferable propaganda has enmeshed the Ukrainian face of western government, “It’s just a grotesque post-modern psy-op, and anyone still falling for this is brain damaged.” More

11 Comments on Time Mag Names Ukrainian Person of the Year

  1. OH!? I thought he became the Time magazine “Person of the Year” primarily owing to his insanely violent hatred for Russian Dolls, reportedly, in his words, “…because they are so full of themselves!!!”

    THAT would seem to me to make more sense, coming from a once well-recognized and respected magazine, that reportedly, is now only a National rag.

  2. I recently thumbed through Time’s 100 most influential people – mostly the wokest and most brainless of specimens in the world – artists, singers, actors, do-gooders, bleeding heart liberals, leftist freaks and perverts, fools, and gun-grabbers. You get the picture.

    Like the opposition woman in Hungary who opposes Pres. Orban’s so-called Hate Attacks (Time’s words). Orban stands up to the EU and takes no crap from anyone – just the kind of leader we need in the US.

  3. Why not name him Nobel Peace Prize winner at the same time. These awards mean nothing. Before the fall of the Soviet Union you could go to the work station of any government official and it would be wallpapered with awards for this, that and the other horseshit. They mean one thing, the individual is in good standing with the tyrants running the show. Nothing more and nothing less.


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