Toilet Flush Under Laser Light – IOTW Report

Toilet Flush Under Laser Light


Scientists demonstrated how water erupts from the toilet bowl following a flush using powerful lasers to show what we don’t normally see.

Scientists have known for a while that tiny, invisible drops escaping the toilet bowl after every flush are something scientists have known for a while. Scientists have now demonstrated this in real time using lasers.

The video below shows droplets glowing green as the laser bounces off them. A cloud of smaller drops called aerosols floats further through air and carries the toilet water throughout the lab. More

20 Comments on Toilet Flush Under Laser Light

  1. I always close the lid if there is one. My question is, “is there a difference in the amount of spray based upon the toilet?”

    Could the low volume but higher “pressure” toilets cause more spray than the older high volume but lower pressure toilets??

  2. We don’t have enough water pressure to create such a spray.
    We also have dirtier (but safe according to Illinois EPA) water that is brown to begin with. The only positive I can say is we no longer have wooden main lines and lead distribution lines to our homes.

  3. From the article:
    “ Scientists have known for a while that tiny, invisible drops escaping the toilet bowl after every flush are something scientists have known for a while. ”

    Who do they hire to edit this crap?

  4. So nobody noticed that if they remain sitting while they flush they get a misting effect?

    I have the old 4 Gallon per flush American Standard ones.

    They were made before the 1 litre per Flush Commie Revolution, where you just stare at it & flush multiple times.

  5. San Francisco street feces & golden showers is at the cutting edge.
    Next, California will place a proposition on their ballot to ban toilets.
    When you gotta go, you gotta go….
    “As California goes, so goes the nation (down the sh-tter).”

  6. The reality of life is that we are constantly exposed to germs and viruses. As yucky as this story sounds, it isn’t any more shocking than the average exposure to hand rails, door knobs and various coughs and sneezes we come into contact with on a regular basis.

    Our bodies are miraculous, and built to fight off germs, and grow a stronger immune system as more and more exposure happens.

    I believe the super clean world we are attempting to create is actually not very healthy for our children. Eventually they will be exposed to illnesses, and if their immune system isn’t strong from minor battles, the big fights might just be deadly.


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