Toots Sweet Immigration Bill proposal to amend and preserve the XIV Amendment – IOTW Report

Toots Sweet Immigration Bill proposal to amend and preserve the XIV Amendment

Immigration bill to Amend and preserve the XIV Amendment by Toots Sweet

We The People of these United States are a Nation of LAWS to ensure the survival of America’s representative democracy, that “government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”…. Not a TAX PAYER FUNDED WELCOME MAT !

Section 1.
Therefor it is of NO circumstance and or OBLIGATION of the American Tax Payer or Tax payers to be burdened with the responsibility of taking care of any and or all such people and or peoples illegally residing in these United States of America.. ~toots sweet~

Section 2.
It shall be the SOLE PURPOSE and or OBLIGATION and or RESPONSIBILITY of the country and or countries of origin and or legal citizenship of any and or all people illegally residing in these United States for whom such a burden shall be placed with the SOLE PURPOSE and or OBLIGATION and or RESPONSIBILITY to pay for all and or any goods and services obtained and or provided by the people of these United States , in any and or all forms of Education, Housing, Healthcare, Welfare, or PRISON TIME while ILLEGALLY residing in these United States of America. ~toots sweet~

Section 3.
Failure of such foreign countries and or country to make such payment for any and all goods and services rendered and or obtained ILLEGALLY by such people or peoples ILLEGALLY residing in these United States as stated in Section 2. Shall be directly deducted and or taken from any and or all foreign aide allocated to such countries and or country by these United States of America. ~toots sweet~

Section 4.
Failure of any and or all foreign countries or country as stated in Section 2. for whom citizens have accumulated such debt that has surpasses and or exceeded any and or all foreign aide allocated to such countries and or country as stated in Section 3. Shall be held in contempt and therefor It shall be the SOLE PURPOSE and or OBLIGATION and or RESPONSIBILITY of these United States to forcibly seize and or obtain any and or all government items and or assets i.e. natural resources, historic treasure, art, property, land and or legal tender from such countries and or country to satisfy the fair market value and or worth of NO less than the equal value and or worth of such assets to satisfy the debt owed to these United States which shall be determined by these United States of America. ~toots sweet~

Oh and Section 5.
That anchor baby bullpoop statute that every single country and or countries on Earth have been taking advantage of these stupid and or idiotic United States of America for way too friggin long.. HAS JUST BEEN OFFICIALLY ABOLISHED!! ~toots sweet~

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