Top Healthcare Insurance Expert – Conservative, C. Steven Tucker – Calls Appointment of Seema Verma To the CMS “Christmas in November” – IOTW Report

Top Healthcare Insurance Expert – Conservative, C. Steven Tucker – Calls Appointment of Seema Verma To the CMS “Christmas in November”

I think Trump’s picks so far indicate that he will follow through on fixing Obamcare.

The woman who helped craft the “Healthy Indiana” plan for former Indiana governor Mitch Daniels was just named as new CMS head. This is like Christmas in November for health policy geeks. – C. Steven Tucker.

Seema Verma profile.


7 Comments on Top Healthcare Insurance Expert – Conservative, C. Steven Tucker – Calls Appointment of Seema Verma To the CMS “Christmas in November”

  1. For me to be happy, the individual fine/mandate must be terminated with extreme prejudice and totally forbidden to ever be imposed again, forever and ever and ever…….

    …and ANYONE suggesting it be reimposed be flogged, shot, and drawn & quartered.

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