Top security official overseeing the House is a conspiracy theorist – IOTW Report

Top security official overseeing the House is a conspiracy theorist

Dems Have Ridiculous New Excuse For Adding MORE Capitol Security.

14 Comments on Top security official overseeing the House is a conspiracy theorist

  1. You’re a weird guy Willy. It must be really convenient for you to be so grounded in your reality that you have no questions regarding who or what is affecting your world.

  2. A LOT of the insanity in our country emanates from nutcase Pelosi, who is willing to make the most insane claims about how evil her opponents are.
    This has rubbed off on ever wider circles of her allies, to where now the entire Democrat Party is insane.
    So they hire a completely insane person to head security.
    What would you expect?

  3. POTATUS sure is afraid of those that just wish to uphold the constitution and law of the land as it has been for centuries.

    In the same way an entire neighborhood on the south side of Chicago scatters when a police cruiser rolls through with a spotlight.

    Kinda makes one think he and his accomplices are well aware of their criminal activities.

  4. Q knows everything, but should learn to shut up about it and keep it restricted to just a few of us who can be counted on to keep it secret.

    Every time it gets announced publicly the Left is forewarned of impending events and takes moves to counter them so they don’t take place.

    Remember, loose lips sink ships.

  5. March 4th used to be Inauguration Day for the Presidency which is probably why there are are so many theories as this may be a last ditch effort to save Trump’s Presidency. It is also my 68th birthday, Woo Hoo! I don’t feel like I’m 68, when my grandparents were this age they were old and since both my mom dad lived into their late 80’s and early 90’s I plan on being around for a long time yet, hopefully.

  6. See?…My sociology experiment?….I made a comment about “Q” and those that parroted the value of “Q” and their wisdom….No comments defending “Q” and Q’s wisdom, only comments about me personally….No comments about C Steven Tucker calling “Q” tomfoolery, only another comment about me giving myself a thumbs up….LOL….

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