Tranny teacher wins $60K settlement for co-workers’ improper gender pronouns – IOTW Report

Tranny teacher wins $60K settlement for co-workers’ improper gender pronouns

WT: A transgender schoolteacher in Oregon won a $60,000 settlement from a school district after co-workers allegedly failed to address the teacher by the proper gender pronouns.

The Gresham-Barlow School District agreed to pay emotional damages to Leo Soell, who teaches the fifth grade at Hall Elementary School and identifies as neither male nor female.

Soell, who identifies as “they,” said co-workers continuously used the wrong gender pronouns when referring to Soell, instead using terms such as “she,” “lady” or “Miss Soell.”  More

4 Comments on Tranny teacher wins $60K settlement for co-workers’ improper gender pronouns

  1. Were I working there I would say that I self identify as alpha male.
    As such, all are required to address me as either ‘Lord’ or ‘Master’.
    I recently told a snowflake that was offended I used the term ‘she’ to refer to her, and told her the above.
    Lets say she was less than amused.

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