Trans Figure Skater Stinks on Ice in Finland – IOTW Report

Trans Figure Skater Stinks on Ice in Finland


Figure skater and trans-identified biological male Minna-Maaria Antikainen gave a debut performance at the European Figure Skating Championships in Espoo, Finland. That ceremony sees female figure skaters holding national flags while Antikainen, wobbling on white skates and with arms outstretched, skates a solo on the ice amid the girls who stand by and watch. 

Antikainen then stumbles and falls, and is unable to get back up off the ice until the skater carrying the flag of Finland comes to the center of the ice, helps Antikainen up, and hands the inept trans skater the national blue and white flag. Transition

22 Comments on Trans Figure Skater Stinks on Ice in Finland

  1. A civilized crowd would have laughed him off the ice and booed loudly if he tried to return. Assuming they bought tickets to the women’s event, they should demand their money back.

  2. Reminds me of the South Park episode where Cartman goes out for the Special Olympics, figuring it’s an easy win, but ends up dead last because some of them actually have some ability. Of course this guy will likely get all 10s, because he, I mean she, is both stunning and brave.

  3. Perfect placement of the Mooch icon!

    Imagine Mooch, America’s Most Glamorous Transgender, ice skating.
    He couldn’t do worse and picture his mass wearing a Bigfoot fur ensemble! (I can hear Jonny Wierd heaping breathless accolades! “You go gurl!”)

  4. Antikainen

    Kainos – fresh
    Anti-kainos – not fresh; rotten

    Pray for this pathetic fool.
    Its life will probably not end well.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. let’s be honest. Any transgender (aka male trying to be relevant) who is trying to be known as a female is completely unable to compete with other biological males.

  6. Watch this last night and if you look close enough you see the girl from Finland did not give him the flag he took it from her like he expected it. That is his participation trophy.

  7. This is just too much fun. I cracked up when he first stuck his leg out like a ballerina, then clunk. LMAO! That’s the best entertainment I’ve had today. I wonder what guys like him were thinking when those great balls of fire from heaven came reining down on them in 2067 BC. If only we could travel back in time and watch it all from afar.

  8. I find it easier to believe that guy is a women than a figure skater. If that lovely skater wouldn’t have helped him up he would still be crawling around on the ice.

  9. Poor mentally ill bastard. He’s a lost soul. Just a reflection of our sin sick Western nations that are dead set on self destruction by making deviancy normal.

  10. Elevating failure to beyond anything the Peter Principle ever envisioned!
    A Transvestite Travesty… just call it a Transvesty and file it under LGBTQIA+Whutever the fuk they’re calling themselves THIS week!

  11. The highlight of the show would have been if one of the real skaters had come by and tossed him a Medical Alert bracelet and said “you’ve fallen and you can’t get up. Here… call someone who gives a fuk”! … and skated off!


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