Trans-Man beaten for assaulting teen girl – IOTW Report

Trans-Man beaten for assaulting teen girl

DownTrend: Here is yet another example of the problems presented by the anti-science of transgender people randomly picking their gender. Does anyone want a grown man using bathroom facilities with little girls? Is it fair for men to participate in female athletics because they wear dresses? What about girl fights? A tranny man in Arizona beat the sh!t out of a little girl and then cried hate crime when the victim’s friends put him in the hospital in retribution.

18-year-old Dakota Kern was born male but has identified as female for the past 5 years. Make no mistake; he is a full grown male adult. Despite this, he picked a fight with a much smaller 15-year-old girl and beat the hell out of her. So proud of this lopsided gender-bending fight was Kern, that he posted the video to his Facebook page. MORE

13 Comments on Trans-Man beaten for assaulting teen girl

  1. My 15 year old (who is trained in serious self-defense methods which seek to maim/disable an attacker and taught by ex-IDF instructor) would not have had this problem in the place.

    Prevention is worth a lot of post-event punishment.

  2. He wants to be a girl, if it had been my granddaughter, would have made him a eunuch instead.
    Then fed the goose berries to the dog.
    I have done it, know how, bigger balls than he has.
    I feel a jury nullification coming.

  3. He’ll hang himself in a closet before he’s 25.

    What a waste.

    His two mommies, doctors, “transition therapists” and all others involved need to be. charged with child abuse for creating/enabling his psychosis.

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