Trudeau’s Crackdown Gets Violent – IOTW Report

Trudeau’s Crackdown Gets Violent

Toronto Sun

Turns out the lasting image of the Freedom Convoy protest at Parliament Hill will not be bouncy castles but that of a woman with a walker being trampled by a police horse.

The violence the Prime Minister has expressed concern about during the three-week protest in Ottawa didn’t unfold until Justin Trudeau’s Emergencies Act police army was sent in to disperse the crowd.

The three major incidents Friday, under a form of martial law, were grotesque. More

Contrary to rumor, the woman using the walker seems to have survived being run down by police horses. Officials claim a “bicycle” had been thrown at them. Here

22 Comments on Trudeau’s Crackdown Gets Violent

  1. Remember as you watch these scenes there were chinese commanders and soldiers who refused to take part in the Tiananmen square massacre and they were risking a lot more than a paycheck and pension.

  2. @ paul wojcik FEBRUARY 19, 2022 AT 10:32 AM

    They would have done well to have considered how Lon Horiuchi’s paycheck and pension has affected his ability to lead a joyful and fulfilling life. Not that this would have had any influence on that fucker’s diabolical designs, but there are some of them who are motivated by such concerns. In Horiuchi’s case his motivation was otherwise.

  3. What an absolute public relations nightmare. Back to the cottage the coward goes!

    DEFUND the TWATawwa Police! They shut off all comments on their Instagram page. 🖕🤣🖕

  4. 48% are for the truckers and 48% against. The country is divided just like ours. Truckers are leaving Barstow and heading to “Washington, DC. It will get ugly. Canadians were peaceful and look what happened to them. No more bouncy houses for you! The woman with the walker who was trampled? Leftist media says it was a bicycle that 2was thrown under the horse. See what F’ing liars they are!

    The one thing that keeps me alert and hopeful, because I believe it’s coming. History does not forget. This happened not too long ago in history: They were executed on Xmas day 1989.

    Nicolae Ceausescu, who ruled Romania with an iron fist for a quarter- century, struggled briefly with the soldiers but said nothing. Tears rolled down his cheeks.

    Soldiers placed the couple, who were not blindfolded, against a brick wall and others rapidly opened fire, emptying their magazines. The Ceausescus crumpled under the bullets, which also peppered the brick wall.

  5. I’m Canadian and retired plus i have a place to go where i can escape the chaos.(and several arms which i use for practise or the odd annoying varmint).
    I am speechless with what I’m seeing going on,the winters up north can be nasty but i believe that’s where i belong.
    See you later Toronto.

  6. So Bergen said she is “disturbed and saddened” by all this? What happened to “angry” or “outraged”? And where was she when this was happening?! Those who witnessed this or had first-person accounts from those who were beat up say their Conservative reps were completely AWOL. Sounds just like the American GOP.

    When it comes down to it, we’re on our own.

  7. Well, the political prisoners held in DC understand. Those the state murdered have passed understanding. No deliveries to Ottawa! We have anecdotal, pictorial and video evidence Ottawa is not safe for truckers. Our situation calls for a peasant’s revolt. We are all caught up in the syphilitic elite’s madness for control. Reality suggests we will not forgo the comforts we have obtained to stop the march to totalitarianism. Only our children and our children’s children will be forced to forgo those comforts by the new masters we are allowing to develop.

  8. This is so foul and disturbing.

    The truckers include some tough characters who grew up playing hockey and lacrosse. They know how to fight. It’s the local police and the RCMP who should be afraid.

    Most police are mindlessly following what the government tells them what to do. My respect for them is dropping by the day. Here in the US, even the NG is being told to be ready to stop a US Truckers convoy.

  9. The truckers are right, we all know that. I would hazard a guess that the majority of them did not vote for the sniveling shitweasel Trudeau. But, will that really matter next election? Canadian voters seem an awful lot like the voters in Delaware. They know that they have a complete idiot running, yet pull the lever for more of the same every time. Canada is now officially a dictatorship, they are mo longer a free nation. The Democrats of America are going to bed every night jacking off thinking of how much they would love to do the same thing here.

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