Trump Calls For Permanent Ban of Abortions Using Public Money – IOTW Report

Trump Calls For Permanent Ban of Abortions Using Public Money


Donald Trump today has issued a call to make permanent the Hyde Amendment that bans almost all federal taxpayer funding of abortions and is credited with saving the lives of over 1 million Americans from abortion. Trump-‘s call comes as Hillary Clinton is campaigning in reversing Hyde and forcing Americans to fund free abortions for women with their tax dollars.

Every year, Congress is forced to fight the battle to protect Americans from being forced to pay for abortions with their tax dollars. Democrats annually fight the pro-life budget provision and hope they can eventually reverse it should they take control of both the White House and Congress.

That has led to pro-life groups calling to the adoption of a permanent law putting Hyde in place long-term and making it more difficult for pro-abortion forces to reverse. Today, Trump announced his support for such a law.

The call for banning taxpayer funding of abortions comes in a new letter from Trump. Trump commits to a new policy: “Making the Hyde Amendment permanent law to protect taxpayers from having to pay for abortions.”


13 Comments on Trump Calls For Permanent Ban of Abortions Using Public Money

  1. Please God let him become president and MAKE IT SO! It is completely heinous that the govt. uses our tax payer money to fund the murder of babies. If someone wants an abortion they should have to pay for it themselves – not make others pay – after all, I have not forced anyone to spread their legs.

  2. Can’t be. He is a liberal a democrat pro choice baby killing con man. When He called for funding planned parenthood except abortions all the principled ones knew he was playing the LI vulgarians for fools.

  3. I like the cut of Trump’s jib.
    In the beginning Trump was a loose torpedo in the chute.
    But he learned. Something no other Politician will try.
    It’s always: “I have always said…” Evolving is seen as a negative trait.
    If Trump himself was a company, I would call him agile.
    I want a guy who can be persuaded (but not too easily).
    Not afraid to ditch what is not working. Not letting ego reinforce failure.
    Go Trump Go Pence

  4. the NWO, the Femmies, the Lefty Socialists, all will not vote for Trump anyway. So brilliant on his part to uphold what is right. You want to spread your legs, have the fun, and then the babies that follows…your choice. The rest of us paying for your fuck way, sister. Dance to the fiddler, but pay your own freight. Feed the kids you have in or out of wedlock, and don’t expect others to carry you or yours. NOW piss off, Cankles cadre’and goon squad!

  5. Maybe if the responsibility for killing the unborn shifts back to the person actually responsible for the ‘unwanted’ pregnancy, then maybe, just maybe God will not turn his eye from us and we may avoid his wrath.

  6. What do you wanna bet the rallying cry against this will be, “Trump is trying to take away our right to an abortion!!”

    It is exactly what happened with Hobby Lobby–“A bunch of men” or “A male business owner can prevent women from accessing birth control!” Every conversation I had went something like this:

    Lib: So now Hobby Lobby owners have decided women shouldn’t be able to have birth control and a bunch of male judges agreed!

    Me: Just so you know, that isn’t exactly how the ruling came out. No one is in any way preventing any women from walking into a pharmacy and buying that birth control on their own. The ruling doesn’t outlaw any of the FDA-approved contraceptives.

    Lib: Source.

    Me [after about two minutes]: Here you go. [Link to ruling.]

    Me [5 minutes later]: As you can see on page such and such, it simply relieves Hobby Lobby of **paying for** certain contraceptives.

    Me [5 minutes later]: All [19?] of those FDA-approved contraceptives are still on the market and available for purchase.

    Another lib: Well, but the question then becomes why does a woman have to go through hoops to get birth control?

    Me: What hoops? She asks her doctor to prescribe, he/she does, she takes it to the pharmacy and buys it. There is absolutely NO difference in accessibility from before, she can still get any of those. She just has to pay for three of them out of her own pocket. The change the ruling made has nothing to do with her being able to access them, the ruling tells Hobby Lobby they can lawfully decline to PAY for them. It’s only a matter of who pays for them. And btw all the rest, they do pay for.

    The second lib: Well, I am going to have to continue this conversation later as it’s getting sort of crazy in here–dinner and all.


    Predicted new convo:

    Lib: Trump is making abortion illegal again!!!

    Me: No he isn’t. If this passes –and it’s not **he** who decided by the way– abortion will still be legal. It just won’t be funded. People will have to pay for it themselves.

    Lib: Oh, I gotta go! William is crying saying Harold just spit into his ice cream. Have to talk later!!!

    Me: OK, See you never.

  7. Thought I saw a headline somewhere that Trump said women should not have to pay for the Pill, meaning (I took it, didn’t read article) that he wants gov’t to pay for it.

    If true, and since the Pill is potentially abortive (look up Randy Alcorn), that would still amount for taxpayer funded abortions.

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