Trump Coattails? Republican Bevin wins Kentucky governor’s race – IOTW Report

Trump Coattails? Republican Bevin wins Kentucky governor’s race

via Politico

Republican Matt Bevin has won the Kentucky governor’s race, according to The Associated Press, defeating Democrat Jack Conway.

Bevin, a self-funding businessman who unsuccessfully challenged Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell in a primary last year, overcame a funding disadvantage and Kentucky’s Democratic lean in state races to become only the second Republican to win a gubernatorial election since the early 1970s.

20 Comments on Trump Coattails? Republican Bevin wins Kentucky governor’s race

  1. I know a certain thin-skinned president who called me a tea-bagger.
    A term, when you think about it, is worse than calling someone a nigger.
    So this Tea-party patriot will enjoy my adult beverage just that much more tonight.
    Suck it 0bama, democRATS, and RINOs! 🙂

  2. I gave him a bit of money. Seemed like a good guy. I don’t donate to many local politicians because western WA is not competitive, so I go out looking for conservatives who are winners.

  3. If Ram’d Paul had not endorsed McConnell 2 years ago Matt Bevin would be the junior senator from Kentucky right now and Mitch McConnell would be puttering around in a nursing home

  4. I’m in Kentucky on business tight now. All day the radio news has said Conway was ahead in the latest polls by 5% and was the ‘likely winner’. Hilarious…ahead by 5%, then loses by 8%.

  5. The (D) are screwed. They just can’t admit it yet. BHO and the rest of the commies have exposed it for what it is. They have screwed everyone except the establishment and the moochers.

    They’ll still win where the free shit armies reside, but I predict more losses at every level in 2016.

    Trump/Cruz 2016!

  6. Wow! Can you imagine setting a trend where everyone, everywhere wins elections by self-funding or truly grassroots funding? The gov’t gets out of the electioneering business.

    This is a great win for KY.

  7. Snow Plow Trump! Because he isn’t afraid, doesn’t owe favors, and stands up and YELLS to We the downtrodden, and stampeded by the oDAMNa regime, that it CAN BE DONE. We can be free.

    I don’t care who hangs on his coattails. Trump is plowing the way through the liberal bullshit and Carl Rove big politics. And it is refreshing to see Democrats losing almost everywhere!! Love the Virginia victory, also. And the ass wipe, amnesty city, sheriff in San F…… Francisco got fired by the people.

    Small lights are breaking through the progressive dark ages.

  8. Matt Bevin is an answer to prayer. Thank You, Father, for making this a reality. Now, if it be Thy will, please recall Mitch McConnell and get him gone. Please rid us of RINOs like Ryan and more up there and bring decency back to our government. Oh, lest I forget, please give Congress the balls to impeach Obama. Amen.

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