Trump is Finding the Glory of This Nation – IOTW Report

Trump is Finding the Glory of This Nation

Too hyperbolic?

Listen to this man’s words and tell him he is wrong. He has found the connectivity between kneeling before games, global warming, multi-culturalism and illegal immigration.

ht/ kpark


19 Comments on Trump is Finding the Glory of This Nation

  1. President Trump is not ‘finding the glory of this nation’. He has begun uncovering the glory. He has shaken the filthy rug that the left has used to suppress American Freedom.

    It is up to the voters to continue the unearthing. As Rush said, ‘Trumpism’ has grown beyond President Trump and that scares the hell out of the MSM, the left and left colluding GOP.

    We have BlitzTrump, instead of Blutzkrieg; LighteningTrump, and he has lit the darkness of progressivism. Keep the lights going.

  2. This man is absolutely correct. In a1970s article on the UN and one world government, I remember the focus on a one world religion, approved by the UN. It was NOT Christiam.

    How I wish those old New American articles were archived on the net. They were always prescient.

  3. Well, I ain’t gonna worry about it. It too old and won’t see it happen. It will either fail real soon or I’ll die in a pile of empty cartridges with my finger still pulling the trigger! My visual acuity isn’t that great, but I can see still sight in on a BABY BLUE U.N. HELMET over a hundred yards away!

  4. The Georgia Guidestones are all you need to know about the Left.
    There is a slouch toward the one world government, bought and paid for by berths in the bunkers for the big collapse they’re planning.

  5. I always understood the buzz words “diversity” was a way to strip you of your humanity for the sake of others.

    It’s just like at Christmas. Racial minorities are the major beneficiaries of “Toys for Tots” and other relief programs, however, they have no conscience that maybe someone else is of greater need. Nope. Just white people benefit from the virtue of giving, and others gladly receive it.

    *A Marine buddy of mine helped collect & distribute “Toys for Tots” around Christmas time, and only inner-city black kids every got any of that stuff. Trailer park white kids got ZIP!

  6. He’s right.

    as an addendum, “Climate Change” and “Climate Science” is the new “religion”. Smart people in congress should start submitting legislation banning “Government imposed Climate Change Regulation” as being directly against the 1st Amendment.

  7. He’s basically right. One world order controlled by satanic globalists is starting to become reality. This scenario is what the book of Revelation of the Holy Bible is about. God is omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent. Everything is part of His plan and nothing is done without His knowledge.

  8. Really wish the guy in the video had waited until the worship service was over before he recorded the video. He seems to want to reveal revelation in a condusive atmosphere while it’s fresh. It’s confusing and bizarre for people who don’t understand evangelical church culture.

  9. The evidence that what is happening is underpinned by pure evil is extensive. But I thought everyone on this site already knew that.

    I thought everyone knew that Klimate Scientology is part Doomsday Cult, part Green Mob, part Communist Global Government… un-elected and unanswerable, BTW.

    Multi-culturalism is by declaration – NOT united culturally. And the premise that new citizens will assimilate REQUIRES they abandon the culture they came from, at least so far as the principles of Liberty are concerned.

    Give them a few years, and the Left will be demanding “equal rights” for Nambla, and shortly after that, they’ll be arguing for bestiality and Necrophelia.

    The death wish of unrecoverable indebtedness, embracing demented Trans sexuals as “normal”, and then TEACHING IT in schools?!!!!????

    But here’s one few have realized: Just as Klimate Koo koo isn’t about the climate….Gay Marriage isn’t necessarily about Gays. What if it’s a pathway for Muslims to argue for plural marriage? Because I think it is.

    You’ve got Obungocare declaring that Muzzies don’t have to pay, so WE HAVE TO PAY for them, and THEN herd them in by the millions and let them later bring 10 wives each?

    The left’s declared advocacy for “equality” and against “Discrimination” is really an argument for the elimination of Judgement of right vs wrong disguised as “fairness” and empathy.

    perhaps EVERY cause of the left is a deception. One thing masquerading as another. The great deceiver at work.

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