Trump Issues Ultimatum To Gavin Newsom Over California’s Deadly Wildfires – IOTW Report

Trump Issues Ultimatum To Gavin Newsom Over California’s Deadly Wildfires


President Donald Trump blamed “poor” land management for the deadly wildfires consuming thousands of structures and more than 140,000 acres across California. The president also threatened to cut off federal payments if the problem isn’t fixed.

“There is no reason for these massive, deadly and costly forest fires in California except that forest management is so poor,” Trump tweeted Saturday morning.

The cost of firefighting has increased dramatically in recent years, hitting a record $1.1 billion in 2017. Trump recently signed “fire funding fix” legislation to give federal agencies $2.25 billion to fight fires starting in 2020. That amount would increase to nearly $3 billion by 2027.

Now, Trump is threatening to restrict California’s wildfire funding if actions aren’t taken to limit fires — a problem for California Gov.-elect Gavin Newsom, a Democrat.

Newsom beat Republican businessman John Cox in Tuesday’s election, and he moved quickly to ask Trump for federal assistance. Trump approved California’s disaster declaration Friday, allowing federal and state officials to coordinate more closely and free up more resources to deal with the blazes.  more

19 Comments on Trump Issues Ultimatum To Gavin Newsom Over California’s Deadly Wildfires

  1. CA has been getting criticized for their lack of forestry maintenance for 25+ years but field rats, salamanders and the like are far more important than safety, air quality and human life I suppose.

  2. Save the forests!
    Save the wild animals!
    Don’t even cut down a single tree!
    Oh my! Never mind…

    Do you remember the video of the idiots chaining themselves to trees to keep the foresters from performing necessary forest management culls?
    Eco-fascists really piss me off.

  3. It isn’t Forest as most would think of a Forest, it’s Oak scrub
    land and there is no clear way to deal with it. It is supposed to Burn once in a while, that’s how it’s managed, by letting nature do it.

  4. Okay so every forty years or so Nature will burn the shit out of your surroundings. Get out of its way by moving to another area that doesn’t burn or be deselected (hopefully before you breed) by Nature.

    I’m with the ecotards in letting Gaia do its thing.

  5. 2nd generation Californican in the family, die hard Democrat. When asked about all this he said it was like New Orleans, that it was foolhardy to keep moving back into the same conditions – what else did they expect?
    Trump is right!, but I chose not tell him that he and Mr. T were on the same page.

  6. We’re not even allowed to trim trees on our own property much less cut one down!!!! Gotta get a permit (fee/tax) and pay a licensed tree cutter.
    It’s not just forests. Malibu burns about every five years but they continue to build! Why no ban on building in fire zones?
    There are massive housing projects being built all over these brush covered hills and this has been going on for decades.
    Fire breaks? Not allowed. They’re eyesores to the rich.

  7. @Burner, It’s been going on for decades in CA, nothing new and nothing learned. I live near the largest US Army training base in America, they routinely burn to control forest debris so wildfires can’t destroy the 52K acres they have. Never an incident since I’ve been here.

  8. Well our Forrest’s are mis managed, no doubt. And the “Camp” fire started in timber. Even with perfect fuel you need a spark. And right on time, PG&E provided if. Not to worry. Tax payers will once again pay for the judgments. Someone needs to go to jail.

  9. Here in Northern Illinois, we have routine burns of our forest preserves to clear out debris and promote prairie growth. I love the signs not to call 911. Thankfully voters, like me, have provided us with acres and acres of forest preserves. It’s a beautiful county with plenty of trails, dog parks and trees! The rest of the state is equally beautiful except it sucks around Crook county and Springfield. Was going to escape to Wisconsin. But, Walker lost to the Madison crazies. Maybe Indiana?

  10. Don’t get your hopes up.

    Newsome mismanaged his personal life, mismanaged San Francisco, and is going to mismanage the entire state of California now.

    It’s what Marx-o-crats do.

  11. We have the resources to fund an anti-forest fire air force, and plenty of hurricane relief supplies, but we are caught off guard every time as if it’s the first one ever.


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