Trump Locked On Winning Message – IOTW Report

Trump Locked On Winning Message


While the democrats scramble to try to get ahead of the flood of news stories on Bill and Hillary’s many scandals, Donald Trump has been on message and going right at the many weakness of the opposition.   Bill Whittle’s Right Angle associates discuss just how effective the candidate is being now that he’s found the perfect case for kicking the other side to the curb.


7 Comments on Trump Locked On Winning Message

  1. Scott and Steve, right? Both of them were major #NT. They made it more difficult to get to this point. Needlessly. Whatever motivation they had for sabotaging the Right’s candidate — I suspect it was to prance around, basking in their superior intellect and ideological purity — I honestly do not care what their opinion of Trump is now.

    I didn’t used to be this unforgiving, but my Treachery O Meter has pegged-out. We Deplorables haven’t fought this hard and taken so much guff to give back any ground to Unreliables.

  2. Long time fan of Whittle-joined as a paying member of his new site when he left PJ but his constant belittling of Trump along with Ott’s outright saying there was no way he was voting for Trump made me wonder why the fuck I was sending this kind of crap, money?

    I withdrew and haven’t paid him any attention. Sorry, but if it wasn’t IMMEDIATELY apparent to you when Trump won the nomination that it was probably a good idea to STFU with your Trump bashing and do whatever your platform would allow you to do to defeat Hillary, then you’re dumber then dirt.

    Even listening to most of this steaming pile tells me these morons haven’t learned a fucking thing. Fuck ’em.

  3. I’ll take every Trump vote we can get but I’ve watched Trump for months. Yes, he has gotten more polished and better at delivering his message but his message hasn’t changed. This is what he has always been about. How many of these people coming ‘home’ now see a very real possibility for DJT to win and they want back in. Fine let them back in, but that doesn’t mean we have to forget. There was a lot of damage done by these people and I just hope it isn’t too late.

  4. Yeah, sorry- I never know where Whittle stands with Trump. One minute he’s the candidate we were hoping for, the next minute he’s worse than Hillary. Which is why I quit listening.

  5. @MJA — As my grandad used to say, “He doesn’t know whether to wind his watch or …” Who needs this junk?

    I was even listening to Sekulow on the radio yesterday while driving around and he and his ACLJ is all afire about how their suing the clinton foundation and rushing out FOIA requests to everyone. But when he started taking calls, a woman began trashing clinton and he cut her off, saying that the ACLJ didn’t exist to promote or denigrate a particular candidate. Then he interjected on another call to say the same thing to someone else — a Democrat who wanted to thank them for setting him straight. And I thought, Wow! What’s going to happen to all these Right-Wing entities who owe their empires to status quo corruption in D.C. once the place gets a good scrubbing? Sure, there will always be some nogoodniks in gov’t, but Sekulow and others have built incredible, money-making empires in the media because of the staggering amount of lawlessness and secrecy in gov’t. Follow the money.

  6. Does anyone recall the Whittle video where he said the only way to beat the corrupt system was to get a strong celebrity candidate who spoke past the media, directly to the people?
    Then Trump arrives and he bashes him – over and over again.
    Sorry – I won’t ever watch a Whittle video ever again. And I WAS a big fan.

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