Trump Names His Pick To Head NASA Among A Slate Of Nominees For Key Roles – IOTW Report

Trump Names His Pick To Head NASA Among A Slate Of Nominees For Key Roles

DC: The White House announced a group of 42 people Friday that President Trump plans to appoint to key roles such as ambassador to Germany and head of the nation’s space agency.

The Trump administration continues, albeit slowly, to fill key government positions. The president has been facing slow Senate confirmations. As of early August, the Senate took 54 days on average to confirm a nominee compared to 41 days for Obama and 35 days for President George W. Bush.

Among the people announced Friday are two sitting congressmen.

Trump intends to nominate Republican Pennsylvania Rep. Tom Marino to become director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy. Marino was an early supporter of the Trump campaign and previously served as the U.S. Attorney for the Middle District of Pennsylvania. He handily won the congressional seat he currently holds.

The other congressman is Republican Oklahoma Rep. James Bridenstine. The president intends to nominate Rep. Bridenstine to serve as administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). This announcement brought criticism from Florida lawmakers.  more here

6 Comments on Trump Names His Pick To Head NASA Among A Slate Of Nominees For Key Roles

  1. Trump needs to get the empty Judgeships filled. Agency heads are fine but if he loses in 2020 or if the GOP loses the congress the thing that will hold back the Dems from further destroying the Republic are the Judges. If McConnell won’t cooperate then Trump should actively come out against him and work behind the scenes to get a new Majority Leader election. Maybe it’s time to really work out differences with Ted Cruz and try to get an alliance going. It seems their common ground is greater then their differences.

    Oh, and Rubio saying that NASA isn’t politicized is crap. Look up James Hansen and his record at NASA along with his global warming screeching while employed there. Nobody did a damn thing to stop him while he collected hundreds of thousands in speaking fees and perks all while operating under as a NASA senior head at Goddard. I especially liked NASA describing one of it’s primary mission is to get Islam in space (ok, not exactly that but it might as well have been).

  2. They shot down Bill Nelson’s argument about his qualifications. Maybe Bill is trying for the gig since he rode on the shuttle and looks so good in the “bunny” suit at NASA.
    Marco doesn’t need to agree with a Nelson. His main reason for being in the Senate is to cancel out Nelson votes, giving Florida a net zero vote as opposed to a negative two (two democrat) votes.

  3. “Democratic Florida Sen. Bill Nelson told Politico, “The head of NASA ought to be a space professional, not a politician.”

    “The congressman also served as a navy pilot and then executive director of the Tulsa Air and Space Museum & Planetarium.”

    I’m pretty sure they still select pilots as astronaut candidates, why not as administrators Bill “Bull Shit” Nelson?

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