Trump orders declass of JFK, RFK, and MLK Files – IOTW Report

22 Comments on Trump orders declass of JFK, RFK, and MLK Files

  1. I thought it was really cool that President Trump decided to give the signing pen to RFK Jr. What a kind gesture.

    I saw one thing from the release on X. It was a clear copy of the Zapruder film that shows the last bullet that killed Kennedy. It is much more clear than the blurry one we are all used to seeing. It shows clearly that the bullet did NOT come from behind.

    “Back and to the left”

    Hope you can see this on X:

  2. Trump was going to release the JFK info last term and got talked out of it. In fact I read several places he was actually threatened. By whom? Mike Pompeo. Mr. Deep State himself. Maybe that’s why Mikey just lost his security detail.

  3. Once again not holding my breath. This sets things in motion, but does NOT SPECIFICALLY RELEASE ANYTHING. And what VERSION of the documents are we going to get to see? Even 45 days is long enough to “edit” what hasn’t already been altered in 61 years.

  4. Has all the old 411 been compromised? The effort they’re putting in defending it I would assume not. However, it’s been a long time. Sure, release it. I’d rather see some incriminating current shit. Like Las Vegas. There’s no way the spooks were not involved in that.

  5. With the documents being Declassified it also means that those who have had access to it for years can talk openly about it. So if they try some hanky panky with the official documents then hopefully people can come forward and expose it.

  6. FFS – we live in a Republic – nothing should be withheld from the Sovereign (that’s us) except current activities against our enemies.

    Classification of domestic events and crimes is pure, unadulterated BULLSHIT – to protect the guilty.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Good.

    While you’re at it, do EVERYTHING about Coof, EVERYTHING about the FakeVaxxx, EVERYTHING about the stolen 2020 eletionS, and EVERYTHING about January 6th right down to Pelosi’s texts to her daughter…

  8. Laugh if you want but my theory has always been 1 Shooter placed there by the CIA & MAFIA working together for 2 reasons:

    The ORIGINAL Deep state wanted him gone,
    The MOB was being attacked by The Kennedy’s after they helped the whole Family.

    2 different reasons with the same solution.

    Cheers, Happy Friday!


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