Trump Scotch Taped His Tie and Esquire Idiot Is Writing About It – IOTW Report

Trump Scotch Taped His Tie and Esquire Idiot Is Writing About It

Trump is so inside these damaged fruit’s bletted brains that a glimpse of a taped tie makes them lose their shinola.


Scott Christian –

Aside from giving his coat a serious Darth Vader vibe, the wind also blew Trump’s tie (and comb-over) wildly out of place, revealing the trick that has allowed him to continually commit one of his most annoying sins—sartorially speaking. If you look closely at the back of the tie, you can see that there two pieces of tape attached to it.

When you have seven feet of silk swinging from your neck, sh*t’s gonna get floppy. (Never mind the fact that a tie bar would solve the problem much more elegantly.)

What it really comes down to is this: Rather than fixing the problem(s) by tying his tie properly, Trump instead elects to correct one sin by performing another. Which pretty much sounds like his driving life philosophy.

Yeah, it’s going to be a real fun four years.


Sadly, this guy is deadly serious.

He won’t last 4 years. He’s not pacing himself.

ht/ just the tip

46 Comments on Trump Scotch Taped His Tie and Esquire Idiot Is Writing About It

  1. I shoulda saved the Esquire with the cover photo of an American CiC riding a purple girl’s bike with handle-bar tassles. /sarc

    (For years now, they send me Esquire, People, Ebony, etc for free and they go from the mailman’s hand directly to the Recycle Bin)

  2. Further demonstrates they just don’t get it. This is exactly why he connects with Americans and Hillary did not. He might be a billionaire but he is not a pretentious, elitist pretending to have a connection with the blue collar worker. Seeing a piece of tape on the back of his tie is endearing and not some major faux pas his supporters are going to be embarrassed or dump him over.

  3. A tie tack/bar? Looks like he solved his tie problem just fine. Now, if he started wearing short, rather than over-the-calf, dress sox…well, I just don’t know.

  4. This is the equivalent of the media coming apart when Rubio took a drink of water during the GOP response to the SOTU. It was their main focus for almost a week.

    Shit, we’ve used masking tape on many occasions to hem up our pants when we’re on our way to something formal.

  5. Looks to me like the smaller under piece is taped. My husband does that too. It’s annoying with it pops out of place. Plus tie bars are too flashy for many an alpha male – especially ones who don’t even wear wedding bands.

  6. Well, in a sense he’s right: it IS going to be a fun four eight years watching puerile writers for magazines that are read only by people who need magazine writers to tell them what colors to wear and how to tie their ties deal with someone who saves his damns to give things that actually, you know, objectively and substantially matter.

  7. “…What it really comes down to is this: Rather than fixing the problem(s) by tying his tie properly,…”

    News flash Scotty: It doesn’t matter how correctly you tie a tie, if it isn’t secured together its going to fly apart.

    Here’s a question for you: How do you secure your silk stockings? Garter belt? Or do you wear pantyhose?

  8. I used to clip my tie (on the back) to my shirt using a large paper clip. Just as effective as a regular tie clip or tie tack at holding the tie in place, plus it has the advantage of not showing or poking holes in the tie. And, unlike tape, they can be used over and over again.

    I’ve still got some extra paper clips around here somewhere – maybe I should send some to the Donald so he can quit wasting money buying Scotch Tape.


  9. I used to fasten my tie (on the back) to my shirt using a large paper clip. Just as effective as a regular tie clip or tie tack at holding the tie in place, plus it has the advantage of not showing or poking holes in the tie. And, unlike tape, they can be used over and over again.

    I’ve still got some extra paper clips around here somewhere – maybe I should send some to the Donald so he can quit wasting money buying Scotch Tape.


  10. Trump used the tools at hand for a businessman, solved his problem and got the heck on with making America great again.
    I could give a shit about Esquire, the country will be run like his businesses: O.T.U.B
    On Time, Under Budget.

  11. Ya know, we’re going to see thousands if not millions of unfair, skewed, biased, untrue and misleading articles about PRESIDENT Trump over the next couple years.

    Should we care all that much? FUCK NO.

    Do you think PRESIDENT Trump will care? FUCK NO.

    These shitpickle writers are showing their hand far too early and are being exposed to be the asshats they are. Can you spell irrelevant? So can I.

    Let them spout their ilk, IT DOESN’T MATTER. What REALLY matters are the actions and decisions of PRESIDENT Trump and the same from Capitol Hill that will work together to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. Entertainment writing will NOT steer the course of this great country any longer.

    Screw these faggot writers. Their employed days are numbered. Maybe PRESIDENT Trump can get them new jobs at Carrier.

  12. Thanks for the laughs, My Mr. uses duct-tape for everything, tennis shoe’s for mowing the lawn, holes in his jeans while working under the car.Hockey gear that’s twenty years old. You name it.A tie for work an a paper clip will do if needed. Engineering minds are like that.

    annie Go Trump

  13. 1.In Alaska if you don’t use duct tape for *some*thing, you’re just weird. I’ve seen pieces on ties, coats, handbags, even cars. I’ve used it myself in a pinch on a skirt hem–sometimes a rush just calls for a quick fix, what’s the big deal? That this journalist makes such a fuss over something that ordinary people find, well, ordinary, is dumb. That he uses it to try to relate to President-Elect Trump’s coming administration screams “agenda,” and that he’s looking furiously for something to be critical of. Wonder how long the asshole took to come up with an angle and then turn of phrase once he noticed the tape. I don’t want him speaking for me.

    2. That Trump, a billionaire who likely wants for nothing material, uses a piece of tape on the back of his tie indicates to me that he can relate to the ordinary events in the ordinary course of an ordinary day for an ordinary person like me. I can hardly wait until he takes office.

  14. At least he wears a tie; shithead Obozo often went tie-less on occasions when protocol required it. Being over 6′ tall myself, I understand Trump. Tie a full or even a 1/2 windsor knot, and the skinny end of the tie is usually too short to tuck behind the label band. Obozo never had the problem because he is a pencil neck. After I retired, i told my wife the next time she sees me wearing a tie, I’ll be riding in a casket.

  15. To me, the important part of wearing a tie is the knot. Trump ties his with a perfectly symmetrical Windsor knot rather than one of those sloppy, crooked half-Windsor knots. It’s one of the first things I notice when dealing with a man in a suit because I feel that a man who takes his appearance seriously wants to be taken seriously as a man.
    I have to admit though, I’ve never used tape on my ties. I find stapling them to my shirt works just fine.

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