Trump vs. Trudeau on the World Stage – IOTW Report

Trump vs. Trudeau on the World Stage

Trudeau brushing back his bangs


Faith Goldy reviews this week’s events– from Trump’s meeting with the Saudis, to his visits in Israel and the Vatican, and Trudeau’s legacy at the NATO Summit– to show why Canadians cringe when their PM enters the international limelight.


blazing cat fur


16 Comments on Trump vs. Trudeau on the World Stage

  1. What more can we say? Trump will wipe the floor with these politicians. I am so proud that we elected Trump. Anyone else, ANYONE else would have lost to the bitch who will soon be dead i hope.

  2. I consider Myself A strong independent Alpha Male

    But if Goldy asked Me to kill all of You…I would do it with much

    sadness in My Heart …and I’d pour out a little (American Made

    American owned ) Beer in Your Honor…

  3. Cute girl. Prop glasses to look “smart”.

    Once she accumulates enough followers, I expect her to realign Leftwards.

    The Left aren’t so critical about lip collagen implants as IOTW commenters. 😀

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