Trump’s Appeal To The White Working Class – IOTW Report

Trump’s Appeal To The White Working Class

J.D. Vance’s memoir “Hillbilly Elegy” is getting some attention as more than just a personal story, but a narrative of the struggles of the white working class in America. Vance is also being tapped to explain the draw that a New York real estate mogul has for under class whites in this country.

On Hillbilly Elegy Here

On Hillbilly Culture and Trump’s Appeal Here

Note: Vance offers an interesting critique in this interview of where both the left and the right have failed  blue collar whites.

Pollsters ignore these people at their own risk.

13 Comments on Trump’s Appeal To The White Working Class

  1. Just drove 1/2 mile through my white working class neighborhood in FLA (working class because we all have jobs). Counted 12 Trump signs, not 1 Hillary.

    Tell me again how Hillary has a 15 point lead?

  2. If this guy eliminated the word “WHITE” in his story he would be on the money. There’s a high percentage Latinos and Blacks that hold Blue Collar Jobs and the blue collar class will seal the deal for Trump.

  3. I just ordered Vance’s “Hillbilly Elegy.” Though I’m a generation older than Vance, the descriptions of his writing immediately took me back to my childhood home, being raised in a “holler” in the 60s, the hopelessness of transient industrial bases, family dysfunction, and life in the mines and factories.

    I’ve argued for decades that the disrespect applied by “city folk” toward the inhabitants of Appalachia is just a perverse and just as damning as racism against people of color. I’m hoping Vance’s memoir can fan new fire into the industrious, and most likely to survive when TSHTF, lives of the working middle class.

  4. There’s a well known daily vlogger that I’ve recently been looking forward to. He’s a NYC type, so it was no surprise he put out a clip of how excited he was to campaign for Zer0 in 08 but has no enthusiasm for the current election.

    I headed for the comments for surely some liberal brainwashing. Was I wrong! Many of theach comments bashed Hellery and Zer0 with many others simply saying; Unsubscribed.

    It was noted on zero hedge last week that not only have they double secret seasonally adjusted the current employment figures. The lame stream also seasonally adjusted polling calculations to favor Hellery. After seeing the expected liberalism type comments actually being more pro Trump, I guess I know why.

    The king makers are doing all they can to promote an evil witch!

  5. Bad Brad is right. I recently injured my knee and had to take cabs everywhere, including to and from work, for a spell. The portion of the Bronx that borders southeast Yonkers is populated mostly by people from the Carribean. Many of the men are cab drivers. All the ones I’ve met who obtained U.S. citizenship have told me they intend to vote for Trump. They’re blown away by his achievements in the business world and believe that he can create the type of vibrant economy that this country has not had in years.

    When I ask them about Hitlery, the phrase “white witch” comes up a lot.

  6. Both major presidential nominees have now laid out their basic plans for tax policies if elected. Associated Press reporter Chris Rugaber gives his assessment of the two plans. Donald Trump s Campaign Manager Kellyanne Conway commented on whether Trump will follow through with a deportation plan if elected.

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