Tucker Carlson Goes Off After Obama Compares US Police to Bull Connor at John Lewis’s Funeral – IOTW Report

Tucker Carlson Goes Off After Obama Compares US Police to Bull Connor at John Lewis’s Funeral

Another ugly chapter in the Obama files.

16 Comments on Tucker Carlson Goes Off After Obama Compares US Police to Bull Connor at John Lewis’s Funeral

  1. The division of our country into opposing factions began under Clinton and Obama made it an irreconcilable one.

    This is just a further pushing of that division to the front with the purpose of intensifying it.

    Nothing else could be expected from Obama, or most of the other Leftist leaders.

  2. That skinny little fag is feeling irrelevant and will denigrate whoever he needs to, in order to get the spotlight shining on his sorry ass. He’s a pupil of the al sharpton school of race hustling.

  3. It’s really a damn shame the first black president was a Democrat (wasn’t that the biggest scam by the Democrats yet?!) and it was the commie-est commie they could find. That’s why Cortez (I refuse to call her by her rap name).

    The first black president should rightfully have been a Republican conservative.

    Where’s a functioning “Do-Over” button when you need one?!


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